the heartbreak of psoroisis

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the heartbreak of psoroisis

Post by jonnybutter » Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:18 pm

Hey, just thought I would share the shame and humiliation of my latest return. Actually, I’m kidding - I’m not thrilled to get returned of course, but I feel ok about it, not least because screener #352 was absolutely right on these.

It has always helped me to hear other people’s returns, so I will pay it forward a little for those who might find it edifying. Both songs are on my Taxi page.

First, here’s the listing:

“TENSION” INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by the CEO of a Music Library that has landed music in some very popular TV shows. He needs Down-to-Mid-Tempo Cues that would play during confrontational, tension building scenes in crime dramas like Castle, Criminal Minds, or CSI: Miami, etc., etc., etc. Take a look at the following clips to get an idea of what he needs: Castle Play until 1:15 Criminal Minds Play until 1:40 CSI: Miami Start at 1:21 Please submit Tension Cues that increase in intensity and add to a sense of uneasiness by adding some strings and/or brass over electronic pads as they progress. The Cues should be relatively simple – we strongly recommend listening to the references to hear how simple, yet effective they are. This company is NOT looking for big, lush Cues with full orchestras like you’d hear in feature films. Think of what crime dramas use, and give them Cues that would play under scenes like those shown in the reference clips. All submissions should be about 90 seconds to 2 minutes long with crescendos that lead to endings that give a sense of resolution, like when the bad guys are finally exposed. This Library offers an EXCLUSIVE 50/50 deal, so please be sure the Cues you submit aren’t already signed to any other Libraries or Catalogs.. You keep 100% of the writers share, and the publisher will get 100% of the publisher’s share. Broadcast Quality is needed (great sounding home recordings are fine.) All Instrumental Cues will be critiqued by a TAXI screener. Please submit 1-3 Cues by no later than Wednesday, December 24th at 11am (PST). TAXI #U141224TC
And here are the comments.

Sad Revelation:

This track starts well, with plenty of tension, although it is a little dense and more sound design than musical. The resolution that it reaches after the build though is a complete change of mood, to a relaxed, uplifting, optimistic vibe; it is better to keep cues to a single mood - if a mood change is needed for a scene a new cue can be chosen.

Face the Music

A nice atmosphere and some cool sounds here, but the cue gets a little abstract towards the end, with a rather abrupt (and perhaps cliched) ending.

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