broadjam and unlocking?

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broadjam and unlocking?

Post by xenavando » Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:36 am

Does anyone know how to unlock your reviews on broadjam? After your Taxi expires he locks the door...and I can't get those reviews now. I paid for the reviews and didn't get paper ones. I need them for someone soon. They were helpful reviews. One was a drag because they compared me to Joss Stone or something like that and I didn't know who Joss Stone was and also that Norah Jones too but I never listened to her either until they told me about them. I pretty much watch Democracy Now and the news and don't play others music EVER and listen to Cesaria Evora and Astor Piazolla. As you can see from my profile I am considerably older than both of them put together. ... I don't use those smiley faces but...they are useful sometimes.I see people here are pretty unhappy with Taxi. I would like to hear all of the music that is being reviewed so I can get an adequate comparison. I was forwarded years ago to Polygram but never knew what happened to that, I didn't know how to follow up. It was on music completely different than what is on my website though. Except for Honey Honey, but that was a terrible vocal when I first started singing in 1950. It is competetive in this world. There are a lot of real good artists out there.

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Re: broadjam and unlocking?

Post by xenavando » Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:38 am doesn't look like the link to your music is in the profile. hm.Well...I am looking for collaborators and producers and musicians...I am tired of working alone.

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Re: broadjam and unlocking?

Post by davewalton » Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:56 am

Quote:I see people here are pretty unhappy with Taxi. I would like to hear all of the music that is being reviewed so I can get an adequate comparison. I was forwarded years ago to Polygram but never knew what happened to that, I didn't know how to follow up. Hello,I've been hanging around the forum for a couple of years now and I'd say that there are disgruntled musicians now and then that only experience one or two returns and then go off the deep end. Speaking for myself, I'm very happy with Taxi.Overall, my experience is that Taxi is and does what they say. Confusion sometimes comes about because there's the idea that Taxi is a shortcut to instant success. I guess it can be but like any other avenue in the music biz, it takes patience and persistance. As for the forward to Polygram, congrats on that. As it's been a few years, it's safe to say that what happened to that is that they didn't pick up your material. No biggie. The fact that it was forwarded says a lot. "Following up" wouldn't have changed the situation so don't feel like you missed out on anything. I just submit stuff and move on to the next thing. Being compared to popular major artists is a drag? Think of the alternative. As for the Broadjam thing, give them a call. There was a post earlier from Hurowitz that mentioned that Broadjam customer service was very helpful to him.Good luck,Dave

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Re: broadjam and unlocking?

Post by xenavando » Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:59 am

AHA! I didn't say that right...hmmm...I can read it so, but he said/she said:It is too much like Joss Stone or Norah Jones to call it your own style. And I thought it was a little overstepping because how does he/she know that I even listen to that or know that? Anyway. I am not upset just kind of know and want people to know that sometimes that critiques are not related to you necessarily and reflect the reviewers state of mind at the time. ie How much traffic, coffee and all of that. Did you ever hear a song one time and it irritates you and another time you love it? I can't afford Taxi but did it for two years at separate times. I didn't utilize it fully because they kept saying change a little this and that each time and then it can be forwarded, which doesn't do a lot of good since you can't resubmit to the same reviewer for the same listing. I feel bad for all of the extremely talented and good artists out there who hurt because of this Taxi thing, but just because you get a deal doesn't mean that once you are unleashed to the public you will even be accepted. I have known about 15 groups who were signed and radio-ed...and MTV-ed -muzak-ed and now they dissappeared. I don't do music because I want to make the money or be a star, I would like to eat and that is why I submitted to TAXI, but more like playing the lottery, which I don't do, but this at least gives me a little feedback and makes me feel good when I see the paragraphs written to me telling me I am talented or something. I also like talking with other artists out there too, if you want feedback for free you can do that too. I do music because I can not stop it. I will not stop. I dream songs and write them when I wake up. Doesn't mean anyone cares either, but I love music....and art....and food....and I don't want to be famous for eating that is for sure! ANyway...sleepy time here in this part of the world, so sorry for my wordful reply. If you want you can send me your money and I will write reviews for you, but I can't promise you anything and I don't have the same level of experience either. Money creates pressure.Time makes you relax. Remember these days before you get money.

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