Forwards Not Yielding Further Contact

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Forwards Not Yielding Further Contact

Post by filmcomp73 » Mon Dec 28, 2020 12:36 pm

Hey guys,

I belonged to TAXI a number of years ago, but was new to the biz, still learning the ropes of production, etc and didn't find any traction as far as forwards were concerned. I moved into the live/cover performance side of the biz for a while, but last year came back to writing/composing and rejoined. In that first year of being back, I submitted to 53 different listings and had at least 1 song/piece forwarded 27 times. To me, I'm thinking that's pretty good for a first year back. The only thing is, not one of those forwards has resulted in me being contacted further for placement, inclusion in a library, or anything. I'm not turned off by any means and recently renewed for this next year, but I have to wonder if it's normal to have that many forwards without any results or if it's just a part of the craziness that has been 2020. Obviously, a forward just means that TAXI feels the tune is good enough. I understand there aren't any guarantees, etc. I'm just wondering if others have experienced similar things this year, if that's fairly normal, or if I should be checking to make sure my contact info isn't getting screwed up somehow when the tunes get forwarded. I get email notifications about everything, forwards, rejections, etc. so can't imagine that's it, but I have wondered.

Any thoughts?

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Re: Forwards Not Yielding Further Contact

Post by chaoticfractal » Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:52 pm

I've wondered this myself. I have about 10 forwards (out of 60 submissions).

I haven't heard from anyone.

But I only joined in Nov.

Another member mentioned lots of contacts.

I'm wondering if there are certain areas that sees more contacts (e.g., maybe country contacts quicker or more often than hip-hop dramedy?).

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Re: Forwards Not Yielding Further Contact

Post by calumupton » Fri Jan 01, 2021 5:28 am

In my experience this isn't abnormal. For comparison...

From a year's membership in 2018 I was contacted by 2 libraries. I now have a few tracks signed to each, resulting in around 20 TV placements so far. Contact happened fairly soon after the forwards.

My basic stats for that year:

97 track submissions to 63 listings (was aiming for 100 :roll:)
65 track forwards from 45 listings.

Genre most probably comes into it. My forwards were comprised of 42 tracks, mostly in highly competitive instrumental genres (Dramedy, Orchestral, Orchestral Hybrid, Classical Piano). The library contacts were for a Hybrid Trailer track and a Novelty track.

Hope this is useful!

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Re: Forwards Not Yielding Further Contact

Post by cosmicdolphin » Thu Jan 07, 2021 4:55 am

20+ Forwards was pretty much the norm to get contacted when I was submitting..I think the longest stretch was around 30

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Re: Forwards Not Yielding Further Contact

Post by DesireInspires » Sat Jan 09, 2021 8:53 am

You should collaborate with other composers.

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Re: Forwards Not Yielding Further Contact

Post by Paulie » Mon Jan 11, 2021 8:22 pm

Yes. Collaborating with other composers already in libraries is an excellent way to get into libraries. Lots of variables involved here... Forwards are no guarantee.

I delivered 470 submittals over three years and had 130 forwards (28% forward rate). They resulted in 3 libraries contacting me. This industry is very competitive and the demands change all of the time. Getting a forward is good because it means your music seemed right for a particular listing. BUT... Taxi does it's best to describe what their customers ask for, but not every customer is very good at explaining what they want to Taxi. Not hearing back doesn't mean that your music isn't good, it just means that your tracks did not appeal to a supervisor or producer at a given moment... if they even got to the track. They might have found what they waned before getting to your music. Forwards are a good sign.

Don't forget that you can submit music directly to libraries on your own. Check out their web sites and see what their submission processes are. Some libraries will take submissions at any time, others open windows based on need. The most important thing is that you follow their preferred instructions and be a professional. Do your homework, don't just drop files in an email and say "check out my music." Send links to playlists, listen to their library tracks or listen to music in tv shows then scour the credits to see who provided the music. Then let them know that you have music that will meet their musical and quality expectations. After you submit, move on. Don't reach out the next day or the next week or two. If they like it, they will contact you. Sometimes I've been contacted in a day or two, sometimes it takes a couple of weeks. If you don't hear back in a month, they probably didn't dig it. And, they do not have the time to respond back to every composer with feedback or reasons. That's not how this business works. :)

I say all of this based on being in about 30 music libraries right now. Libraries are like musicians, they all have their styles and personalities. You need to work those relationships and treat this like a business, not a jam session.

So, do NOT be discouraged by not hearing back after a certain amount of forwards. The best part about Taxi is the opportunity to learn about this industry, your own musical skills and how to work with others. Of the 30 or so libraries I'm in, I got into about half of them via collaborations. The others I got by reaching out to directly, or by meeting library reps/owners at the Rally. Keep on writing!!!

Paul "yo paulie!" Croteau
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Re: Forwards Not Yielding Further Contact

Post by aswann » Tue Jan 12, 2021 12:27 pm

Really helpful Paul thank you!

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