I wrote a chorus so amazing this morning...

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Re: I wrote a chorus so amazing this morning...

Post by tedsingingfox » Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:34 pm

Apr 19, 2008, 10:28am, nomiyah wrote:I enjoy earthquakes, if I'm in a safe place. It's like a short exciting surprising ride and then afterwards you feel invigorated. It's an awe-inspiring reminder of the power of nature.Call me crazy, but I have to agree with Miss Nomi. I've lived through a number of them (even a few of the "famous" ones in California ... Loma Prieda ... the Northridge quake...). As long as the house doesn't collapse on top of me, they're like organic roller coasters. PLUS, they give you stories to tell LONG after they're over. But for those of you who aren't so accustomed to them, they can be VERY unnerving.
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Re: I wrote a chorus so amazing this morning...

Post by ibanez468 » Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:36 am

Man...I missed it! I was knocked out! I didn't hear or feel a thang! DANG! DOUBLE DANG!! DANG DANG!!! I-468

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Re: I wrote a chorus so amazing this morning...

Post by milfus » Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:41 am

yeah I grew up in japan (nope not asian, long story) and i remember id be standin there and stuff would just start fallin off the walls and the shelvesused to love it when i was in bed tho, when the bed would shake, free magic fingers, haha
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Re: I wrote a chorus so amazing this morning...

Post by silvercord » Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:14 am

i have felt 2 before, once in the Philippines and once in Korea,it feels like logs are rolling underground beneath me~

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Re: I wrote a chorus so amazing this morning...

Post by davekershaw » Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:28 am

Feelin' left out here!I was in Amritsar, Northern India in 2006 when that big one hit Pakistan. Epicentre was about 140 miles away, but it sure rocked the hotel. Didn't enjoy it at all.Then last month one hit the UK. Doubt if it made world news.Epicentre was 20 mile away, and it felt like a lorry went by.Damage to the UK? One chimney fell off, went through a roof, and landed on a bloke in bed. No serious injury.Sure were a load of people filing claims for "new" damage to their property!

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Re: I wrote a chorus so amazing this morning...

Post by anne » Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:43 am

We had series of little ones in the mid - 80s in CT where I grew up. Those were cool. They were always in the morning, and I lived next to a big gulley with a deep narrow river at the bottom. From my parents' kitchen you could see a really cool thing - the trees would move with you but the water in the river didn't ever seem to budge. It always seemed to hit just as I was drinking my morning coffee though. Aside from the dribbles on the front of my shirt from that, I remembered how cool these little ones were, and how glad I was that they weren't strong enough to be scary. Bob was in the NorthWest during the Northridge quake though, and that scared the daylights out of him - I like my experience better!!

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Re: I wrote a chorus so amazing this morning...

Post by silverorlead » Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:59 am

Apr 19, 2008, 9:35am, squids wrote:I was watching a PBS series on jazz musicians, from way back to now. Anyway, they interviewed a couple of horn players who were noted in the day. One of them said he woke up in the middle of the night with absolutely the most incredible song going through his head so he quick wrote it down. He got up the next morning and started working on it. The guy who was sitting next to him laughed and said, "yeah, I walk in and he's playing and I say to him, 'hey, you finally learned Stardust, huh?' That's freaking awesome

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Re: I wrote a chorus so amazing this morning...

Post by lucky » Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:04 pm

Apr 18, 2008, 3:09pm, twilsbach wrote:That the earth shook.I couldn't think of any other explanation when I couldn't sleep and got out of bed early this morning and put pen to paper, then married words with melody and before I knew it, my whole house was shaking. WOW.Turns out it was just an earthquake. In Indiana.SeriouslyAll you LA people are shaking your heads and laughing, but thats a scary propostion for a midwesterner. Also, clearly being sarcastic about my earth shattering song writing ability. I actually slept through the whole thing. I did feel, quite profoundly though, one of the aftershocks. Pretty freaky. So much for Mid-West & Eastern quotes, "I'd never live in California with all those Earthquaqes!", Glad everyone is OK.Lucky

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