It's not a deal, but for me THIS IS SUCCESS

Did you get a deal through TAXI? Lets hear about it!

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It's not a deal, but for me THIS IS SUCCESS

Post by aubreyz » Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:44 am

I've contemplated about how or if to post this. I've decided to post it here in success, even though it's not a "deal" yet, it is a dream come true. My initial goals with Taxi were to improve my craft and get heard by those who could make a difference. Placements are secondary right now. I'm in pursuit of the elusive artist dream. Now to the story... (which is probably too detailed)So in prep for my first rally I spent some google time researching the panelists and mentors. The most currently successful panelist in my genre was top on my list of contacts. How could I get to him? He made a location joke (about where I live) in the first panel. This common ground was already on my list as far as potential door openers. So after the panel, I beelined to the stage, only to realize there were many many hyperactive wanna bees ahead of me. So I backed off and watched. This guy was very patient with the onslaught of CD's and I'm great stories, but I noticed him begin to evaluate a path out of there. So I positioned myself near the door he kept eying. Sure enough, he headed that way. I had maybe 5 seconds. I made a joke about the locational joke he made as I threw a CD on his stack. He stopped, laughed, looked me in the eye and then looked at my CD. "The Gypsy Van, cool name. I'll check it out." "Thanks man", I said as the door closed.Later, I saw him walking through the lobby and "stalked" for an opportunity. "So how often are you in [location]..." We talked for a few minutes, while headed for the ATM, and he said, "What was your band name again?" "Oh yeah. That's such a cool name." He said again that he would listen, and I offered another CD and he said that would be great, because it would be a while before he went through the other stack. As he left for a label showcase, he said he would be hanging out later and to look him up.Well, his showcase lasted longer than he thought so he never ended up back in the lobby that I saw. So the next day, after his panel, I'm standing on the stage -- not in the line to talk to him, just in earshot. So this lady comes up to me and says, "Weren't you on one of the panels" I didn't even know the guy knew I was there, but he said, "He'll be on a panel next year". (Though it was a joke, I had already been standing there visualizing myself on a panel -- and with Casey's recent post... thought it interesting to include this part of the story).So we talked a while. He said he'd be out later and to look him up again. Sure enough, later that night he was in the lobby. He was talking to someone, so I just walked by and did the "head nod" thing. Later I strategically walked by talking with ML. I kept myself in view of him, but didn't approach. So the guy gets up, is heading another direction, sees me and changes direction -- walks up and says, "hey man, what are you guys doing". So all and all I spent about an hour and a half "hanging" with this guy and he said my CD was on top of his stack and he would listen on the plane. Oh yeah, and he asked for my card, and gave me his email.A week later, I sent a brief, great to meet you email. He replied back within a few hours, with "talk soon".So from there, nothing. I'm just waiting. Here's a guy who's had his hands on several of the most successful selling CD's recently, and my CD is in his hand. Actually, if the story ended there, my goals were met thanks to Taxi.So I'm busy, more goals, more work, just plodding away doing my thing. Friday my cell rings... I've never seen that area code, who might this be? "click" "Hey Aubrey this is XXXXX, I'm sorry man but I just got around to listening to your CD, and it's really good man. I listened to all the songs, and they are all good but that number 6 is great. I listened to it all the way. That's definitely the direction you guys should be heading. It's like a psychedelic Pearl Jam. I'm going to see if I can do something with it.... who did the production? You? Didn't you say you just have a small studio? I love the drum sound, it's very Mutt Lange -- it's midi??? Wow. Impressive."So anyway, he wants to hear more stuff in that direction and is "going to see if he can do something with" the song he most liked. So, no - it's not a deal, but one of the top songwriters/producers in the industry just took the time to call me and share that. I feel like an AMEX commercial. Taxi fees over the past year and a half, $1200 - Airfare and travel expenses to the Rally, $1200, the first phone call from [XXXXXX] -- priceless.Watch out world. 2008 is my year.Aubbtw-- the song he thinks we should push is "Drowning"

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Re: It's not a deal, but for me THIS IS SUCCESS

Post by tedsingingfox » Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:28 am

Hey, Aub.I remember this story when you told it to me Monday morning after the Rally, in the lobby. It was very cool's so cool it's frosty. That's amazing, man. (Have to agree with his loving that tune. Absolutely one of my favorites on the disc. Well, I THINK my #1 fave is still "The Maze", but it's hard to pin it down to just one). Congrats, my friend. Every baby step is one step closer.You had BETTER keep us posted as this story develops. Pictures at 11...Ted
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Re: It's not a deal, but for me THIS IS SUCCESS

Post by mazz » Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:31 am

Aub,This is fantastic news. You parlayed your Road Rally experience in to a leg in the door!!I'd classify this as a success in a big way!!2008 is the year of Aub, I can feel it!!Excellent!Mazz
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Re: It's not a deal, but for me THIS IS SUCCESS

Post by matto » Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:14 am

Aub,you *should* be on a panel next year, thousands of people could learn a whole number of lessons from your PROFESSIONAL approach.Way to go! This is a MAJOR success story in my book, even though it's not a deal yet. Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment and best of luck to you.I'm PROUD of you, my friend! matto

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Re: It's not a deal, but for me THIS IS SUCCESS

Post by hummingbird » Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:44 am

I hate to admit it, but stuff like this brings a little moisture to my eyes. Cause we're all on the same journey, man. We're all struggling to live our dreams and be in the music, and realize our potential. Matt's right, your professional approach made all the difference - plus, when XXXX listened to the CD (the whole thing, by the sounds of it), you delivered, big time. You were ready to make that step, you worked on writing & producing until your stuff was better than good - and in talking to you he saw your determination & willingness to work hard+listen+learn. Like Matt says, this IS a success story!! Kudos to you!! A good friend of mine sent me this great quote:W.H. Murray - Until One Is Committed"Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would not otherwise have occured. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man would have dreamed would come his way."I see this working in the lives of many on this forum. Raising our consciousness about where we are right now and what we need to know & what skills we need to grow in order to get there. Raising our consciousness to see the little opportunities that come our way and grasp them. Raising our consciousness to realize that success comes, number one, from a great network of friends & peers who respect who we are, and that integrity & self awareness is integral to good relationships. Raising our consciousness to realize that a grade of "B" on our music means it's good, but we have the potential to do better... and that we have to consistently work at creative success -- meaning yesterdays' "A+" doesn't mean today's efforts reach that height. We still have to work at it, always. That's the joy of it. Ain't it? It's the struggle to rise above our programming that hones us into becoming all we are meant to be. ~ H
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Re: It's not a deal, but for me THIS IS SUCCESS

Post by andreh » Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:36 am

That's awesome, Aub! As someone who's followed your path with interest over the past year, I think it's worth pointing out to others that you didn't get to this "verge of breaking out" by've worked hard AND smart to tailor your sound & image to be unique to you (and Ponch) as an artist, but also be something that the public will want to hear.Congrats! You're an inspiration to many (including me). André
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Re: It's not a deal, but for me THIS IS SUCCESS

Post by ragani » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:01 pm

Aub,This is such an upper of a story-- I felt myself walking in your shoes, with all the anticipation and hopes and fears and with the joys of finally landing that solid moment of contact!!! What a great story, and thanks for so graciously posting it, with all it's jiucy details (LOVE the on-stage comment you received!). This post just made my day. I'm already celebrating your new "in" with you, Aub, and I already can't wait to hear about that next phone call or email that you get from your new connection. YAHOO!!! Quote:that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would not otherwise have occured. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man would have dreamed would come his way.That's such a great quote, Hummingbird-- I lost track of that one years ago, and I'm so glad you posted it here! It's just the perfect quote for his thread! I'm printing it off and making a poster of it for my office as we speak. I hope there are more stories like this that get posted. I would take up a new daily hobby of reading if you all did! Raags
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Re: It's not a deal, but for me THIS IS SUCCESS

Post by crs7string » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:34 pm

Aub,I think one of the challenging things in life is to stay excited. You have something to get excited about. I'm not sure what came first, your excitement or this potential opportunity.Hope all this plays out well in "08.Chuck

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Re: It's not a deal, but for me THIS IS SUCCESS

Post by gitarrero » Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:34 pm

hey aub,this is GREAT - you act professional and so is the reaction of the industry pro - he's interested in working with you.major congrats, well deserved!cheers,martin
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Re: It's not a deal, but for me THIS IS SUCCESS

Post by liamkelly » Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:51 pm

AubThis such brilliant news - big congrats to Ponch and you for for a job well done - from the songwriting, recording, researching the Rally, networking the guy repeatedly but intelligently and making it happen to this point.A lesson for us all Great news, amigo

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