My Guitar Center/M-Audio Nightmare

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My Guitar Center/M-Audio Nightmare

Post by prez » Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:42 am

For two months, I have been trying to grab a new MIDI interface. With the addition of two classic EMU sound modules (Mo Phatt and X-Treme Lead 1), I needed a 4X4 to hook them up with my Roland XV-5080. So, since I already had a 2X2 that worked flawlessly for years, I decided to get a Midiman.I went to the local Guitar Center. They had one opened in the box. I said, "Fine. I'll take it with a discount." They gave it to me and I went home. After downloading the latest drivers, I proceeded to install it. Fired up Cubase and it played for a hot minute. Then nothing.After installing and reinstalling several times, I took the unit back. Wouldn't you know it, they didn't have another one in stock. But they should have one later on that week. I called later that week. They didn't have one. It was on back order. They said next week. I waited and I called. They didn't have one. They'll call me back. Never called. Called back. They'll call me back. Never called. Called back. The unit would be in next month. I'm bothered at this point but I wait. Month later, after expressing my displeasure with the customer service, the assistant manager ordered me a new anniversary edition from another store. Cool. I get it in the mail via UPS the next week. Brand new in a box. Diggin it.Excited and ready to get to work, I go and install it. It's working!'s not working. Why is there a seven second delay? What the...? Install and reinstall it several times. Perform a MIDI-OX and several other tests to find the issue: it's the stinking interface. I return the unit, miffed at this point, and ask for a MOTU Micro Lite, which is slightly less expensive but has one more pair of MIDI I/O (5X5). They have to order it. I get the unit Thursday. I install it yesterday. Bliss. Not one issue. I can now officially make music without having to plug and unplug MIDI outputs to operate my sound modules and I have room to expand. Bliss. However, I had to go through hell to get to heaven. The trials and tribulations of a music composer.
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Re: My Guitar Center/M-Audio Nightmare

Post by ibanez468 » Sat Sep 27, 2008 7:56 am

Good choice of the MOTU micro lite 5X5. I have one also, and it's been working great ever since I pulled it outta' the box. One thing I've decided to do over the past year is, if GC doesn't have what's been advertised in their magazine (and I've been dissappointed numerous times at the GC's around here), I immediately go to Sweetwater. If I gotta order somethin' online, Sweetwater it is. I've had excellent customer service ever since I started dealing with them. If I go to GC or Samash, and they tell me: "Well...we don't have it in stock, but I can order it for you", I tell 'em never mind, I'll do it myself. I go straight to Sweetwater, and if I put in an order early enough in the day, that thing is out the door before the end of the day, and at my doorstep in 2-4 days. I had one item I ordered from there, at my doorstep in 2 days. I told my sales engineer that nothing I've ever ordered has gotten to my house that quickly before. I was in total shock when I opened the door to see the UPS man pulling away from the curb, and looked down to see the package he had left. I was like D****MMMMNNN! I just ordered this thing. Just thought I'd share that with ya'. I know how frustratin' these kinds of things can be. Give 'em a try though, next time you decide to order something that isn't available locally. PEACE!I-468

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Re: My Guitar Center/M-Audio Nightmare

Post by mojobone » Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:14 am

I don't want to sound like a fanboy, but Sweetwater has the best follow-through and customer sevice/support of any store I've ever dealt with. That's right I said any, not jes' music.
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Re: My Guitar Center/M-Audio Nightmare

Post by ibanez468 » Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:36 am

Moj, I'll put it to ya' like this: I'm a fan of any person, company, corporation, etc...who can get me what I want, when & how I need it, on a consistent basis, especially when I hafta' pay for it. That's the way it should be, shouldn't it? Just askin'. I-468

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Re: My Guitar Center/M-Audio Nightmare

Post by ernstinen » Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:39 am

I like Sweetwater, too. Had good luck with them, and they follow up every order with customer service emails. And usually don't charge for shipping or tax.And here in L.A., I like AudioMidi. Their warehouse is a few miles from my crib here in Chatsworth, and if I need something TODAY, I just drive over there and they have whatever I need in stock. Hafta pay CA tax, though!I'm not a big fan of Guitar Center, either. They're overpriced, and try and steer you to more expensive stuff. I bought a Midi cable from them recently, and they tried to push a Monster Cable. Why pay for a Monster Cable? I've NEVER had any problem with a regular Midi cable. That's like buying a Monster HDMI cable for your HDTV. It's complete b.s. paying for an expensive HDMI cable! Either they work or they don't. It's a total ripoff to buy a Monster HDMI cable. My cable guy even told me the same thing! Ern

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Re: My Guitar Center/M-Audio Nightmare

Post by mojobone » Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:35 pm

I pay sales tax on what I buy from Sweetwater, I live in Indiana, it's worth a premium to me, to speak to a rep that speaks my my former Sweetwater rep is working as an A&R rep in Nashville...
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Re: My Guitar Center/M-Audio Nightmare

Post by prez » Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:15 am

Sept 27, 2008, 10:56am, ibanez468 wrote:Just thought I'd share that with ya'. I know how frustratin' these kinds of things can be. Give 'em a try though, next time you decide to order something that isn't available locally. PEACE!I-468 Oh I've known about Sweetwater for years. Get their catalog and have been there for workshops and the whole nine. They have a KILLER Digidesign console that looks like the main deck for the Star Trek Enterprise. Crazy.Only reason why I stuck with them is that they wouldn't give me my money back. Just store credit. So I had to find an equivalent and fast. I'd already made up my mind to seek other avenues after this. Even my wife started getting irritated at the whole thing. I also get emails from AudioMidi and Front End Audio who I've never tried. However, since I'm more familiar with Sweetwater, I'm going with them. I'll probably use Guitar Center for small stuff and to demo what I may want to buy at Sweetwater if they have it. HOWEVER, I just saw Cubase 4 for $269.00 at GC and I am SO tempted to grab that but I'm happy with the one I have which is the old Cubase VST (believe it or not). Let's see what happens here in the next month. Jude 2
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Re: My Guitar Center/M-Audio Nightmare

Post by guscave » Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:17 am

Unless I need something "right now", I skip the local retail stores and use Sweetwater. They have yet to disappoint me.

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Re: My Guitar Center/M-Audio Nightmare

Post by allends » Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:35 am

Sept 27, 2008, 8:35pm, mojobone wrote:I pay sales tax on what I buy from Sweetwater, I live in Indiana, it's worth a premium to me, to speak to a rep that speaks my language.I'm from Indiana too, and a Sweetwater fan-boy. I live only a couple of hours from their facility so I pop in on occasion. In my home town we also have the fabulous headquarters for Woodwind & Brasswind, but the new Sweetwater HQ building is over-the-top! Now if only I worked there I could get that employee discount! Oh well. So close and yet so far! Cheers,Allen

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Re: My Guitar Center/M-Audio Nightmare

Post by mazz » Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:38 pm

Years ago I called Sweetwater and the guy who wanted to be my "personal sales engineer" tried to sell me everything but what I wanted. I tend to do a lot of research up front and am pretty well prepared when I make the call so that kind of turned me off. I'm sure they're great but I've never been attracted to them since then. Maybe I'll try again some time. If they have a booth at the AES show maybe I'll stick my head in and look around. Mazz
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