On Target But Not Forwarded?

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On Target But Not Forwarded?

Post by trocat » Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:11 am

This is my first post here on the forum. I really didn't have much to post until recently. lately, I've been getting songs coming back as returned and I am little disappointed in the screener's decision to return them. Here's the deal, I am getting 7-9's on the scores and they are "on target for the listings" yet they are being returned because the screener does not think the lyrics are not strong enough. My issue here, is the fact that they are on target, the music and production is good yet the screener didn't like the lyrics. I feel that if the song is on target and the production is good that it should be forwarded and then let the lister decide if the lyrics work for him. It gets pretty frustrating to get them returned based on the screeners opinion of the lyrics! If the production is good and the listings on target, forward the frickin' song and let the lister decide on the lyrics! Especially when I'm dropping cash when ever I send in songs. I have had forwards with the same songs at times but many of my forwards seem to go to companies that I have never heard of and I can't find anything about most of them online! In this day an age if a company, manager, producer, etc. posting listings are working in the biz and are legit, I would think they would have a web presence of some kind! Makes me skeptical about the forwards I do get (am I getting forwards to small companies every so often just to pacify me?).That's my rant for my first post. If anyone has insight please fill me in!Troy Castellanomyspace.com/troycastellano

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