Penny's From Heaven

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Penny's From Heaven

Post by couchgrouch » Mon Aug 16, 2004 9:18 am

Penny's From HeavenPenny bound wounded men while on China Beachback home she healed scarred souls on city streetseven after a fire burned her mission down her heart was a pen for lost sheep all over townshe gave light to shadows and hope to empty shellsthose she helped knew this world could be hellbut Penny's from heavenhelping the hungry and poorall she's done, all she's givenshows what true faith is foryes, Penny's from heavenfew knew where she lived just that she'd find needy folksand bring them hot broth, Bibles and woolen coatsnow poor Charlie had just been tossed off a freighthe was wrapped in a tarp by an old steam gratemost people just step around guys like himbut she gave him a hat and coat for the windcos Penny's from heavenhelping the hungry and poorall she's done, all she's givenshows what true faith is foryes, Penny's from heaventhe next day a cop saw Charlie's coat and hathe wanted to know where he stole nice stuff like thatCharlie said, "it was a nun named Penny last nightshe gave them to me then sang hymns by my side"the cop said, "I've heard that tale from ev'ry guy on skid roweven though she died in a fire years ago"but Penny's from heavenhelping the hungry and poorall she's done, all she's givenshows what true faith is foryes, Penny's from heaven(c)2004 Robert George

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