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We're Here To Help You!

Post by jay10music » Tue Jan 27, 2004 12:50 pm

When you get right down to it, each of TAXI's critiques reflect what just ONE person thought of your music within the context of a particular listing. The critique form itself really has no bearing on whether or not the music is forwarded. That decision is based solely on the screener's view whether or not the material is a great match for the listing. The screeners generally forward material that they feel is so strong that they would be proud to personally walk it in to an A&R person's office.While it is just one person's opinion, it's a very educated one. You might not always agree with our screeners, but it's important to keep in mind that these people have held key positions in the industry. Friends and family may love your music, but none of THEM have to risk their high paying jobs when they tell you how much they like your music.The average A&R person at a major label gets ONE to TWO signings per year, so you can bet dollars to donuts that he or she is going to think long and hard before signing an act. Remember, they're not only gambling a million dollars of their company's money on each act they sign, they're also wagering their six figure job, a hefty expense account and their company BMW.When we send our members' music to them, that music must hold up to THEIR standards or they won't continue to list with TAXI. If they don’t list with us, you don’t get any opportunities and we go out of business. That’s a little insurance policy the companies have with TAXI. They know we won't risk our business by sending them material that is just "pretty good". By the same token, you're assured that because we adhere to such high standards, you'll always have a nice variety of listings to respond to.The TAXI A&R Staff is really biased towards forwarding your material for three reasons (although it may not always seem like it). Reason number one: It's easier to write "Great Job!" on a critique form than it is to formulate and write out constructive criticism. The second reason is that the screeners really enjoy proclaiming, "I got a winner!" during a screening session. They feel a certain sense of pride and "ownership" when they pick what could very well become a hit record. The last reason: If they don’t keep our members happy, they won't continue to work at TAXI.The bottom line. We give a damn. You might want to disregard the opinion of ONE screener, but if the same opinion is expressed by a couple of them or more, it could be extremely valuable feedback that you probably couldn’t have gotten anywhere else.Very few major artists and writers got to be major without paying their dues. If "making it" were easy everybody would be a star. It takes time. It takes persistence. It takes guts. You can’t run home with your tail between your legs every time someone doesn’t like one of your songs. Even a successful songwriter with hits to their credit face rejection much of the time.Remember, Thomas Edison failed over 10,000 times before he finally created a working light bulb. Nothing in life ever happens by accident, most of all, success. Success usually comes to those who have a plan that they persistently carry out. Failure is almost guaranteed for those who lack persistence.

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