On Target But Not Forwarded?

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Re: On Target But Not Forwarded?

Post by Casey H » Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:37 am

Great AAA ARTISTS with "brilliant/hit songs" are again sought by a Canadian Indie Music Company with major int'l publishing and distribution affiliations...TroyI'm not sure if you are familiar with "the bar" which is a term for how high the standards are for a forward. When a listing has a very high bar, it really has to be nearly flawless with a killer hook and outstanding lyrics. The above sentence says it all. This was an ultra high-bar listing. You could have a really darn good song in many ways and not get the forward.If this had been a film/TV listing, in many cases, it would pass because they lean a little more toward overall sound & sounds like, mood & feel, engineering, production, etc. One thing we have to do to survive is NEVER compare ourselves to what's on the radio or in the charts as far as songwriting quality... e.g. "it's as good as or better than the crap on the radio" doesn't help even though often true. The double standard is real. New artists and songwriters generally have to be leaps and bounds better to get accepted. There might be exceptions such as if you were shtuping the producers sister , but it's usually true.I don't know if you mentioned this on this thread, but very important is: What are your goals? Getting signed as a label artist is a long tough road with small odds. That doesn't mean you shouldn't go for the dream, but willingness to take feedback and adapt is critical. Pitching for film/TV is a nice way to generate income, especially if you think in terms of 5 years down the road for a nice steady income stream (see other threads on the 5 year plan). But there too, you may need to adapt.I know this isn't easy. To be successful, folks have to get away from the "I'm OK, they are not OK" way of thinking. HTH Casey

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Re: On Target But Not Forwarded?

Post by squids » Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:45 am

Well, I suppose I'm gonna clutter the landscape even mo (sigh) and Troy's gone on vacation so it'll fall on absent ears but this is my pet peeve so here goes! Taxi wanted 'unique' on these listings. That's what they imply when they use the word 'fresh'. That means no one else has done that take on it. I've noticed people have a tendency to hide their apples under the cart, so to speak, and keep the best parts of themselves hidden, which is absolutely fine in a social setting but not necessarily in music. It's one of our jobs to represent those who don't have a voice (imho) so we'd betta say it fo 'em like we mean it. We can have great production and it'll get through the taxi gauntlet once in a while. But if it's got lyrics, you can bet your singer better rock (which you can totally pull off) and they betta be singing lyrics that grab them by the throat and get their attention. We're a visual species, what can I say? Picture this (and this is jes a scenario, please, no screener PMs! hahah)Screener A comes in to work. He's got another business or two on the side and while he tries to stay compartmentalized and keep his mind on the job, it's probably going to drift a bit to the latest crisis he's got going on, especially if the song's not on target or not up to what it implies it could be. That's life. He's probably gonna screen for about 3 hours. Ever tried that, Troy? A friend of mine, Steve Davis from here, called me one night and told me he did. He went on myspace, punched in 'rock' and then jes started playing whatever came up. He said he lasted 10 minutes before he wanted to off himself. Now, not everyone is gifted at screening (po baby Steve, hahahahha) but let's say our Screener dude is. So he grabs his coffee, slaps his headphones on and........2-1/2 hours later, he sighs, finishes up the critique he's working on, punches up the next tune and BAM! There you are. You really wanna BE there, ya know? So yeah, lyrics matter and singing 'em like they're absolutely the last words you'll say on this earth would really help too. You've got 3 mins or so (according to ongoing Taxi edict of writing, anyway, to which I say hahahahahahhaah) to prove that you're audiogenic. Meaning your soul transfers to an mp3 via your voice, (jes like some folks are photogenic) and this is actually YOU singing to HIM in the room right THEN, not another half-assed replication of somebody like he's been listening to for most of his interminable work shift (yet another po baby).Get the urgency yet? And it's like that with everybody.....the screener, the deal guy, the suits you gotta get through......every one of those is your opp to sell yourself so you can do what you love fo a livin. So yeah, lyrics matter and so does how you sing them. Sorry, this is jes my pet peeve about lyricists and singers.....must.learn.critical.thinking.skills.Pet peeve rant over. Sorry for all the space I took up and for speaking for the screeners. And Troy, you can totally do this.

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Re: On Target But Not Forwarded?

Post by hummingbird » Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:07 am

Good post Squidy.!! I like the imagery of the screener at 2.30 hours with his coffee, just begging to hear something that will knock his socks off. I could use a little of that kind of critical thinking myself. thanksH
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Re: On Target But Not Forwarded?

Post by liamkelly » Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:36 am

Jun 20, 2008, 10:35pm, trocat wrote:Ok, I know I said I'm tired but I couldn't sleep with posting one example, so here's an example of what I was talking about.Listing DescGreat AAA ARTISTS with "brilliant/hit songs" are again sought by a Canadian Indie Music Company with major int'l publishing and distribution affiliations. Musically, think along the lines of Coldplay, the Fray, U2, Snow Patrol, John Mayer, the Goo Goo Dolls - that range. They're interested in releasing/licensing full artist albums and/or single song recordings internationally for film/TV projects. Mid to up-tempo songs only -- no ballads. You don't have to have a full CD in order to submit, but it'd be a big plus. They want to find exceptional artists to market to the world -- via record distribution and film/TV/media projects. If already forwarded for S070723AA, please do not submit to this listing. Songs must be Broadcast Quality (excellent sounding home recordings are OK). Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include bio/photo/lyrics. Song: No Cure - On Target but returnedCritique"Your vocal and music performance sounds expressive, however, I have the feeling I've heard similar sentiments expressed in nearly identical fashion too many times before. It also feels to me you're relying a bit too heavily on rather obvious sounding rhymes, and I think a more conversational tone would actually sound a little more appealing"Song - Then I Kiss You Goodbye - On Target but returnedThere doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the performance or arrangement, but the lyrical theme and imagery do seem very predictable. I actually crave to hear a bit more of your own unique personality shine through in the narrative. I think it would also help if you were able to paint even more descriptive mental pictures with the imagery in the song.BTW, Then I Kiss You Goodbye is meant to be a duet. It's about the departure and homecoming of a loved one. Whether it's one of our troops or someone who's away from their family often. It will be retracked with duet vocals soon!TroySongs are on: www.myspace.com/troycastellanoTroyThanks for perservering with this thread and for posting the listing and the crit I am NO screener but will give you my 2c to do with what you will. I only listened to No Cure and I liked it. Good job! In terms of the artists referenced, I got the Goo Goo Dolls. None of the rest. Not important - sometimes listings are wide in scope.Referring specifically to your concerns about lyrics, I think that perhaps the most pertinent part of the screener's comments about your lyrics is not that they've heard these sentiments before. But that they've often heard them expressed in the exactly the same way.You posted: Yet many of the songs we all hear on major radio today, that become hits, are saying the same thing, nothing new. I'm talking lyrics now,....and that may be true. The themes are all the same: she left me, I left her, I can't have her and so forth. But the 'brilliant hit songs' (which is what this listing is asking for) nearly always have an unusual lyrical twist to a familiar theme. I don't think that the lyrics of 'No Cure' described the 'where did we go wrong, why did she hurt me' scenario well enough to ascend the 'brilliant hit songs' bar that the listing is specifically asking for.Good song. But maybe not brilliant hit song.2cLiam

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