lyrics about environmental issues

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lyrics about environmental issues

Post by nancydobson » Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:12 am


The recently released United Nations Sixth Global Environment report begs citizens and governments to take urgent action on Environmental issues. Everyone knows about them, but very few people are addressing this issue in the media.

In times past when there was an issue that demanded urgent attention it was heavily reported in the print and television media … and in music. Music is something people listen to again and again. Giving a message in music impresses the message on our brains and impacts our behavior.

I have written, and copyrighted through the US LOC, lyrics for over 24 songs about environmental issues. I have a melody for each song, but I don’t write music. Four lyrics follow this message. I would like to collaborate with a socially conscious artist to get the songs recorded. The person who writes the music or creates a different melody is welcome to copyright it under his/her own name. Please contact me if you would be interested in using any of my work in your videos, and if you would like to see the remaining lyrics.

Please contact me at 571-970-0968, PO Box 71132, Bethesda, Md 20813, 1121 Arlington Blvd., N320, Arlington, VA 22209, or

Have a blessed day,
ND (Nancy Dobson)


25 years of talk, talk, talk.
70 years since the books came out.
“Let’s form a committee, do a study and check.
Don’t be too hasty; don’t correct it yet.”

Meanwhile greed speeds to change the world.
Hell bent money’s cruel plan’s unfurled
trashing water and land and melting icebergs.
They’re dividing nature ‘gainst its own laws.

25 years of talk, talk, talk.
70 years since the books came out.
“Let’s form a committee, do a study and check.
Don’t be too hasty; don’t correct it yet.”

Oceans die while we watch in awe.
Chemicals fly. Yeah this is war.
Man forces his will and cuts lose all anchors.
We’re drawn like moths to what we should abhor.

25 years of talk, talk, talk.
70 years since the books came out.
“Let’s form a committee, do a study and check.
Don’t be too hasty; don’t correct it yet.”

Now our bodies have no defense.
We’re plastic, sterile and intense.
Mutations abound, links are removed, all’s set
Drug down the people so they don’t object!

25 years of talk, talk, talk.
70 years since the books came out.
“Let’s form a committee, do a study and check.”
We will all be dead before they correct it.


We cracked the chemical code,
now synthetics have exploded.
They didn’t nat’rally evolve,
so they can’t nat’rally dissolve
and all that lives has become o’erloaded.

Baskets changed to bags made of plastic.
Cloth diapers changed to ones tossed quick.
Fishing nets changed and now cause death.
Med, car and house parts lingereth.
Can’t get rid of it; Earth’s now covered in plastic.

We cracked the chemical code,
now synthetics have exploded.
They didn’t nat’rally evolve,
so they can’t nat’rally dissolve
and all that lives has become o’erloaded.

The world over, micro plastics seep
into water and ground and creep
into plants that fish and mammals eat.
See, what we sow is what we reap,
Can’t get rid of it; our food has become plastic.

We cracked the chemical code,
now synthetics have exploded.
They didn’t nat’rally evolve,
so they can’t nat’rally dissolve
and all that lives has become o’erloaded.

Plastic impairs our immune part
and throws our hormone balance out.
With endocrines it interferes,
disrupts genes and causes cancers.
Can’t get rid of it; life’s succumbing to plastic.

We cracked the chemical code,
now synthetics have exploded.
They didn’t nat’rally evolve,
so they can’t nat’rally dissolve
and all that lives has become o’erloaded.


Hello, Pacific. How’ve you been?
It’s been a long time since you tried to drag me in.
I’ve been away; far on the other side,
but you have often washed in quiet on my mind.

I see your fish aren’t faring well,
and reefs are struggling; some are in a death spiral.
Your salt cleans much, but can’t forestall
the tidal waves of trash and toxic chemicals.

I feel your anger at abuse.
Can’t those who choose their every action
change their course?
I sympathize; I know your worth.
You are alive and crave just to serve life on Earth.

I hear your warning. Death could come
if we don’t guard this living Earth, our only home.
Earth’s fragile web we must respect
and learn to live within its timeless safe limits.

Oh, Pacific, you’ve a sad tale.
God help us turn the tide so hope for life prevails.


There’s a time to celebrate and play.
It chases fear and pain away.
But if your child was sick at home
your social pleasures you’d postpone.
…There’s a fever killing reefs in the oceans.

There’s a time to work and make money.
We’ve bills to pay; living’s not free.
But we must also listen close
to help the ones we love the most.
…Bees are dying; nature’s crying from abuse.

There’s a time for distracting news.
We need a wide range of smart views.
But hiding facts to protect wealth
puts in the bull’s eye global health.
…Climate’s changing; Earth’s systems face assault.

There’s a time to help the business world.
Government is a business tool.
But there won’t be a world to help
if they can’t see past their fool selves.
…Like other species, competition could cause doom.

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