Vintage tracks. How to prove copyright dates

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Re: Vintage tracks. How to prove copyright dates

Post by kjckjc » Fri Jan 05, 2024 6:55 pm

BradleyHagen wrote:
Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:48 am
Interesting thread! Just curious now.....Were any of your old tracks forwarded??
@Bradley: ~ Actually - there were about 70 passed thru!! Several had multi fwd's... 1 dude had 9 go thru!... ...3rd post down... I found some of these to be ..."Interesting" choices ... Curious why some of these were picked over 'others'... Not complaining at all mind you - I am Happy to get rejections atm!... just "curious"...
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Re: Vintage tracks. How to prove copyright dates

Post by BradleyHagen » Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:02 pm

Strange listing..... I am just glad that I spent ZERO time on the submission! lol Just some crap that was still sitting around on a drive from almost 30 years ago!
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Re: Vintage tracks. How to prove copyright dates

Post by Paulie » Sat Jan 06, 2024 7:35 am

I would love to hear from the client what the specific reason is for this provable request. At the end of the day, no one gives a #$%^ when something was recorded, they just want it to sound a certain way. There is a very Taxi-friendly library that regularly seeks out vintage recordings, but I've never seen this particular requirement before. What is the music being used for, and why does copyright provability to verify date of recording matter? Sounds more like a pain of a client to work with in the first place.
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Re: Vintage tracks. How to prove copyright dates

Post by BradleyHagen » Sat Jan 06, 2024 12:30 pm

And now there is a brand new listing for basically the same material! I am with you Paulie, I would love to hear what this would be for....
And the whole "proveable copyright thing" is wierd...... I mean who cares if someone record it next week, and makes it sound like ADATS, or tape or whatever?? Trust me, I have the plugins to make stuff sound very dated very easily, and worse comes to worse?? I am sure you can find blackface ADATS on Reverb or Ebay for like $50 each, or better yet, old reel machines, and transfer it over!
Got an old VCR?? Mix it over to that! lol
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Re: Vintage tracks. How to prove copyright dates

Post by pepeluis » Thu Jan 18, 2024 6:16 pm

To reply to Bradley Hague's question above:
Yes, out of the 6 tracks I submitted to the listing, I got one forwarded. It was one of tracks recorded on a TEAC 8 track (cassette based).
It felt refreshing to hear the analogue warmth and 'breadth ' of the track compared to the digital format I now use. Even from a cassette based format it stands up well despite the analogue/warmth plug ins now available in modern digital formats.
All of the other tracks I submitted were from the correct era but were a long shot re. audio quality as there were short drop outs and noise on one track and perhaps an 'unfinished 'nature to another couple. Some Tracks with vocals got a 'pitchy' description from the reviewer (didn't have pitch correction in those days!).
The track that was forwarded was the best audio quality out of all that I submitted and the one I am most proud of re. Vocal performance, lyrics etc. It's title is 'For Everything a Time ' maybe the song will have it's time! Below is a link.
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Re: Vintage tracks. How to prove copyright dates

Post by BradleyHagen » Fri Jan 19, 2024 9:09 am

Ahhhhh! Dead link to the track.... I believe that you have to make it public in order for the link to work...I'd love to hear it!
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Re: Vintage tracks. How to prove copyright dates

Post by pepeluis » Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:34 pm

Brian thanks for trying to listen to my track

Below is a link. It seems track was already set to public so not sure why it wasn't accessible . ... ing-a-time

I remembered that it was actually mixed down to DAT. I no longer own a DAT player but I still have the DAT tape if if I need to get it converted to WAV.
Thanks to anyone else reading .José

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Re: Vintage tracks. How to prove copyright dates

Post by BradleyHagen » Sat Jan 20, 2024 10:41 am

I am still getting this:
404 Error
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Re: Vintage tracks. How to prove copyright dates

Post by AlanHall » Mon Jan 22, 2024 4:10 am

pepeluis wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:34 pm
Brian thanks for trying to listen to my track

Below is a link. It seems track was already set to public so not sure why it wasn't accessible . ... ing-a-time

I remembered that it was actually mixed down to DAT. I no longer own a DAT player but I still have the DAT tape if if I need to get it converted to WAV.
Thanks to anyone else reading .José
I also get the 404 error.
Not only the track, but your member page needs to be set to public. There are helpful videos and discussion threads about this on the forums. You'll get it!

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Re: Vintage tracks. How to prove copyright dates

Post by BradleyHagen » Tue Jan 23, 2024 9:22 am

I really like the track!!! It IS vintage, yet it sounds pretty good....
Yeah, that is a wierd listing to be sure, and I dont think that I am going to shell out the 5 bucks the next time...... PLUS...writing new material to the brief is fun....and after all folks.... doing your taxes sucks..... dealing with a dayjob sucks..... running errands sucks...but Music is FUN
Bradley Hagen Productions
Bradley Hagen (702) 513-5320

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