listing clarification -

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listing clarification -

Post by brucescism » Fri Feb 16, 2024 1:01 pm

Looking for help / clarification :

TAXI listing: S240307LH - listing info:

Please submit Instrumental Cues bursting with positive energy and feel-good vibes all the way through! Even though the Library is asking for different sections, they only want Cues that stick to one melodic idea throughout! Layer instrumentation in and out as your tracks progress to create that sense of build and forward momentum. Pay extra close attention to how this is done in the references! Instrumentation that's in the general wheelhouse of the references will work best – think acoustic guitar, ukulele, handclaps, glockenspiel, whistling, etc. Please be sure that any virtual instruments or samples you use are high-quality and don't sound stiff or synthetic. The more your submissions sound like they're being performed by real musicians playing real instruments, the better.

ADVICE DIRECTLY FROM THE LIBRARY'S CEO: "Many composers throw in way too many ideas and are not focused on ONE CENTRAL MOTIF: they try to keep things interesting by adding new harmonic lines, melodies, and even improvisation instead of focusing on the production and textures. What I'm looking for is the form and structure of production music, but with the sound of commercial music." Put simply, keep it SIMPLE! We know that other Libraries like to receive music with complementary A and B sections, but this Library is NOT one of them – stick with ONE CENTRAL MOTIF per submission, please!


What confuses me is the first paragraph states that the library is looking for different sections (albeit a single motif?) but the second paragraph, the listing suggests that while other libraries want complimentary A and B sections, this is not one and we should stick to one central motif. One of the example tracks provided by the library clearly has an A / B section distinction. I am likely the confused party here, but I wanted to ask if anyone could help me to understand what this listing is looking for?

Thanks in advance. Much appreciated.

Bruce Scism

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Re: listing clarification -

Post by AlanHall » Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:31 am

There's one Taxi (client) library that always includes the "ONE CENTRAL MOTIF" statement in their requests... I'm guessing it's this one! They only want one melodic/thematic idea, no contrasting musical ideas that could reflect contrasting MOODS or EMOTIONS. That's the reasoning, as far as I understand it.

Contrasting sections - on the other hand - can be established with change of harmony, or instrumentation, or dynamics, or other arranging techniques. So IMHO the library wants variety, but not too much.

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Re: listing clarification -

Post by brucescism » Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:04 am

Alan, thanks much for the response, it helped.


[quote=AlanHall post_id=613555 time=1708194702 user_id=454405
There's one Taxi (client) library that always includes the "ONE CENTRAL MOTIF" statement in their requests... I'm guessing it's this one! They only want one melodic/thematic idea, no contrasting musical ideas that could reflect contrasting MOODS or EMOTIONS. That's the reasoning, as far as I understand it.

Contrasting sections - on the other hand - can be established with change of harmony, or instrumentation, or dynamics, or other arranging techniques. So IMHO the library wants variety, but not too much.

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