Win 1 of 4 Books Monday - We Need Your Opinion on TAXI TV

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Win 1 of 4 Books Monday - We Need Your Opinion on TAXI TV

Post by TAXILIZ » Fri Jun 07, 2024 2:08 pm

Michael Needs Your Help and Your Suggestions on This Week’s TAXI TV

Click the link below to watch LIVE on Monday at 4 PM Pacific!

7 pm Eastern (EDT) / 6 pm Central (CDT) / 4 pm Pacific (PDT) 12 am London (BST) / 9 am Sydney (AEST)

Dear Songwriters, Composers, Producers, and Artists,

Our annual conference, the TAXI Road Rally, is fast-approaching (November 7th – 10th), and the planning has already begun! To make sure the Rally has the panels and classes you really want, I need to hear from you!

Will you please join me on this week’s TAXI TV to give your input and opinions?

Which Sponsors Would You Like Discounts From?

I also need your help in suggesting sponsors that you’d like to see at the Rally. Why? Because they often give Rally-specific discounts, on-site during the weekend!

We’ll be opening registration for the Rally in the next few days; so if you’ve never attended, ask yourself this simple question, “How much value is there in doing something that could dramatically speed up my path to music industry success?” Here’s an example of what I’m talking about, and you can click the button below this story to see several more that will give you a really good idea of what you’ll be missing if you don’t take advantage of this FREE perk that you’re entitled to!

This Happens a Lot at the Road Rally!

Todd Bordonaro, Bronx, NY, USA
“I'm fairly new to TAXI, and in 2022 I attended my first Road Rally. I met someone [a music library executive] the first night at the bar hangout. We hit it off immediately, and I sent a few tracks for review. I ended up signing a contract and have since created 12 tracks for that company.

My goal at the 2023 Road Rally was to do more networking. I met two other music licensing executives and signed contracts with both of them, as well. I’ve now signed four deals as a direct result of attending the Road Rally! I’ve also been collaborating with some fabulous musicians I’ve met at your conference, and the tracks we’re producing go to the companies I've made deals with through TAXI. My feeling is, if you don't attend the Road Rally conference, then you're only getting a small part of what TAXI has to offer. Looking forward to the 2024 Rally!”

See More Rally Success Stories!

We’re Giving Away FOUR Great Books During This Episode!

We’re going to give away copies of Cue Tips by Dean Krippaehne - Writing Production Music for TV by Steve Barden -, and Shortcuts to Hit Songwriting - and Shortcuts to Songwriting for Film & TV - by Robin Fredrick during the live show! Be sure to join the live chat and stick around for the whole episode so you don't miss your chance to win!

This is my way of thanking you for helping to make this year’s Road Rally the one that changed your life!

"I was told that the Rally would be a life-changing experience, and it proved to be absolutely true." —Adriana Lycette

"Even if you suck at schmoozing, you'd still get a ton out of the Rally. I honestly believe if everybody knew what they were missing by not attending the Rally, they would start saving up TODAY for next year." —Matt Hirt

“I flew 15 hours from São Paulo to LA just for the Rally. And I can tell you: it was one of the best experiences of my life!” —Rogerio Maudonnet

Click the link below to watch LIVE on Monday at 4 PM Pacific!

To Join the Live Chat During the Broadcast…

You’ll need to be signed up to YouTube (FREE) and be logged in to be able to join in on the chat during the show. Go to and click the "Sign In" link in the upper right-hand corner of the page and fill out the short form to join. If you have a Gmail account, you’ll be able to associate your YouTube account with it!

7 pm Eastern (EDT) / 6 pm Central (CDT) / 4 pm Pacific (PDT) 12 am London (BST) / 9 am Sydney (AEST)

See you on the show,

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