Screener 253, this song didn't get a foward

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Re: Screener 253, this song didn't get a foward

Post by jchitty » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:07 am

Quote:Yay Chits!!!!! nice song.... like your voice.... you get up there.... I'm only a stones throw from Jaersie..... though it may be true that Imus could use a little sensitivity training.... there's also the aspect that the rest of them could go to a "sense of humor" training. I mean everyone gets so freakin' bent out of shape, insulted, pissed, to the point of craziness.... and of course the media tries to treat every singe event as a major hate crime........ and an attack on women... talk about a mountain out of a mole hill....... ( Although I guess if someone like Imus made an insult like that about my wife or daughter. ... I'd kick his ass.... ) and he is getting his ass kicked ... Here's a song about where my head is at.... ... ArkJackYou know, Arkjack, I totally agree here about Imus. Btw, I am going to try to listen to your tune....thanks so much for listening to mine! The plug on my computer does work, and I can use my speakers, but my volume is very low, and sometimes, certain downloads will come out in broken syllables. Here's my take on the Imus thing.....and my polictics run on the liberal side too. I am SICK of political correctness. Granted, I think people should be sensitive to what was said about the Rutgers team, the 'nappy headed ho' remark was out of bounds, that should not have been said, but Imus apologized for this profusely. It's like they want his head on a platter. One thing though, Imus is famous for saying 'tongue in cheek, even affectionate insulting remarks for people, so he probably didn't even realize what he was doing when he said that remark about the Rutgers team. He probably really did mean it with a sense of humor. As Casey pointed out, Imus has done a lot of good in the world. He's supports lots of charities, helps kids with cancer...he does a lot of good in the world. I'm not totally an Imus fan....I watch his show sometimes, and he can be a rude obnoxious jerk too, but he also has a good side. Bill Mayer pointed out last night that Imus has been on MSNBC for ten years now, and that everyone makes a can't host a talk show for ten years without something happening. Also, a black commentator was on last night, and he said that white American finds it all too easy to focus on these comments like Imus's instead of really getting involved to help the black community. It's much easier to get bent out of shape over a stupid comment made about minorities, rather than get really involved to work in black communities to help with some of the disparities. And one other thing, maybe Imus's remark about the Rutgers team was actually a nod of respect in his eyes, as crazy as that sounds to some....I know because I watch him sometimes. He won't joke about someone he doesn't respect. Maybe black people have now arrived to a point in society where they are making inroads, gaining well deserved positions of power, entering the middle class, and maybe they don't need people to patronize them by never making a bad remark about them. We joke about the Irish, etc, because they have arrived. The Rutgers team did say they were offended though, and Imus did the right thing by apologizing. It could be argued on the other side that black people are not yet far removed from the wrongs that were done to them, so we as a nation are having to work through this. But I think the 'tolerance' pendulum has swung too FAR to the left now when people are losing their careers over remarks like this. And I'll tell you this right now, I don't think it's any indignation on the part of the white libs (of which I count myself one), it boils down to dollars....Imus got canceled because so many sponsors canceled on him.One other thing, LOL...I'm a Southerner, and we are the only group left you can 'objectify.' I sometimes see people on the left in the media talk about 'trailer trash, red staters' and I just laugh, I got a sense of humor....but if you make such remarks about Southerners, you don't get fired for it. It's sort of a double standard.This is one reason I'm disgusted with politics on the left and the right lately....I usually don't post about political stuff because I just think all this stuff divides us. The libs have been hijacked by what I call 'coffee house libs', the people who bash everyone for their intolerance while showing a bunch of their own intolerance.And the right has been highjacked by people who do the same.....I am so disgusted, I won't even vote in the presidential election...put me down in the apolitical column now. All the talking heads, politicos and politicians suck.And Casey, it's okay if the thread has been hijacked....hell, I was gonna work on my songs, but this thread is going to be on fire I guess.

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Re: Screener 253, this song didn't get a foward

Post by jchitty » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:14 am

JEFFE, a group of folks used to be in a chat group with a guy for Manchester and a guy from London....he got referred to as a 'mid UKer." We also had a guy in the chat group who lived in London....I gotta say that I liked the London accent better. There were about 20 of us who chat about current events, and we'd voice chat on Friday nights. Chicks dig the accent! Don't worry, hehe, you don't have to take out a restraining order against me.

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Re: Screener 253, this song didn't get a foward

Post by jchitty » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:17 am

Quote:Quote:I am finally going to post a link to one of my songs.... it didn't get a foward. The title of it is "Stumble On Through This World." The main reason it didn't get a foward was, 'it was not close enough to the intended market, and it was felt that a bridge was needed break up some of the harmonic structure. ' The song was also considered too 'down' for a country listing which prefers more upbeat stuff. I submitted this a Dixie Chicks listing, at least, that was one of the artists they specified. I knew it wouldn't get a foward, but I wanted a critique anyway. I really don't know which market I'd pitch this song too, might have a hard time finding a home. I also got some good marks on the song, eights on the music and lyrics...with comments like, "good music in chorus" and 'the hook is well defined." Anyway, this is not my usual songs sound much more country because I have them demoed in Nashville, but I thought I'd post this one anyway. I am singing on the demo. My voice isn't stellar, but it's adequate I guess. I co-wrote this with my guitar teacher, and he engineered the demo and is playing the guitar throughout the demo. One day, I'll post some of Beaird's Demoes, so you can see the contrast between some of my more Nashville sounding songs (Larry does a really good job) and this one here. I like my song, think it's pretty good, but I am always open to even the most brutal critiques, hehe. BTW, I agree with all of screener 253's comments, even though I'm fond of my song. It could use some work. I've written better stuff too. I'm learnin' Any critiques would be welcomed if y'all have the time. Another TAXI member has already done so via e-mail. Hope this link works. I still can't get it to play.Could one of our techie genius's like Case or jeffe do a link.Hey, Johnny, AJ got it to work that way, but maybe Casey will post it, although it probably won't work. Mucho, sorry.

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Re: Screener 253, this song didn't get a foward

Post by Casey H » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:21 am

I hear the Rutgers basketball team will be on Oprah... So there is a happy ending. They get to be stars on Oprah and hopefully Matto's or Dave Walton's music will be playing in the background!!! Casey

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Re: Screener 253, this song didn't get a foward

Post by bc » Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:01 am

Most rational people are indeed fed up with PC "gottcha" thing, especially coming from professional racists like Sharpton and Jackson. BUT, and it's the crux of this deal: these are people's daughters; young women who not only have exceptional athletic gifts but contribute to society as role models -- student athletes. If my daughter was on that team, Imus would get an over-hand right and then a hand up off the ground. He has done more to help inner city kids that Sharptongue and Jackass. About the firing: not appropriate. It's a typical liberal elitist reaction that ties into their social engineering agenda. As if they're saying, "see, we'll show you how we deal with white guys that don't like Hillary." The hypocrisy of his firing is best contrasted with these same elitists acquiescence of the misogynist filth that sprays our culture from so-called rap music. EOM

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Re: Screener 253, this song didn't get a foward

Post by jeffe » Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:26 am

Quote:JEFFE, a group of folks used to be in a chat group with a guy for Manchester and a guy from London....he got referred to as a 'mid UKer." We also had a guy in the chat group who lived in London....I gotta say that I liked the London accent better. There were about 20 of us who chat about current events, and we'd voice chat on Friday nights. Chicks dig the accent! Don't worry, hehe, you don't have to take out a restraining order against me. Accents are funny things. My daughter and I kept on getting stopped in NY when they heard us talk. The most common question was "Love your accent. Where you from?".I remember wanting to get a photograph of my daughter with a NY cop, so I approached one just outside the Rockerfeller centre. Out of all the cops in New York, I managed to find the English one He was originally from a place that was only 30 miles from where I live. Here goes with that old worn out quote:"It's a small world"
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Re: Screener 253, this song didn't get a foward

Post by arkjack » Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:46 am

I think the severity of the the punishment that "they" are taking Imus to really brings to light just who the bigots are, and just exactly who is unwilling to forgive....... and are so meanspirited that they have to exact a retribution that will absolutely ruin someone.... whilest they go off and profit from the affair as the "victims" and are raised to fame.....I don't want to sound bigoted.... nor offend ..... but these are big rough playing black girls with tatoos and non-mainstream first names.... and if you watched the game, and saw them yelling at each other... .... its ingrained in our culture now, everything's a victim's attitude and lacks any comprehension of concepts like mercy, forgiveness, and reconciliation.... apparently you can't be reconciled unless you destroy..... (actually come to think of it.... I'm not bothered.... they can do what they want.... I'm goin' fishin' )

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Re: Screener 253, this song didn't get a foward

Post by neuphoria » Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:55 am

not to go off topic, but in reply to bc: yeah, yeah, Summer Redstone and Les Moonves are so liberal. In reality, it's a probably a right-wing media distraction (delivered directly by the RNC 'talking points'--remember the 'smoking gun/mushroom cloud' message that was everywhere all at once pre-war) to keep all on message: hype this kinda thing (or panty-less Britney) so no one notices the Iraq debacle, or the 'lost' emails in the partisan firing of Attorneys, etc.btw. if you care, please google "Operation Mockingbird", re: reporters on the gov't payroll, or check this: Bernstein (reporter of Watergate fame) says "... over 400 reporters and editors were working for the CIA as part of Operation Mockingbird", including Paley of CBS, Bradlee of Newsweek, Sulzberger NYT, Pincus of Washington Post, O'Reilly of Fox, etc.and now back to the music...

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Re: Screener 253, this song didn't get a foward

Post by jchitty » Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:59 am

Quote:Quote:JEFFE, a group of folks used to be in a chat group with a guy for Manchester and a guy from London....he got referred to as a 'mid UKer." We also had a guy in the chat group who lived in London....I gotta say that I liked the London accent better. There were about 20 of us who chat about current events, and we'd voice chat on Friday nights. Chicks dig the accent! Don't worry, hehe, you don't have to take out a restraining order against me. Accents are funny things. My daughter and I kept on getting stopped in NY when they heard us talk. The most common question was "Love your accent. Where you from?".I remember wanting to get a photograph of my daughter with a NY cop, so I approached one just outside the Rockerfeller centre. Out of all the cops in New York, I managed to find the English one He was originally from a place that was only 30 miles from where I live. Here goes with that old worn out quote:"It's small world" I think American women particularily like a British accent. We used to have this British guy in one of my college classes, and all the women swooned over him. I wouldn't particuarly consider him the most attractive guy either, although he wasn't unattractive either. But when he spoke, the girls dropped at his feet...he was never at a loss for a date on that campus. I guess American females think of Mark Darcy when they think of British guys....or Heathcliff, one of those dark and romantic novels with a dark sort of guy who seems kind of cold, but yet, attainable in some sense. That drives women wild, hehe.Anyways, don't worry, I'm faithfully married, and you don't have to take out a restraining order, hehe, I'm just commenting on how that bad boy British guy image can work, although I think most British men are like American guys, just good regular guys.Anyway, y'all all have a good day!Guess I'm gonna go write some songs.

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Re: Screener 253, this song didn't get a foward

Post by allends » Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:08 am still can't get it to play.Could one of our techie genius's like Case or jeffe do a link. Copy the URL and paste it into the address bar in your browser. That should work.I'm just guessing but maybe the account restriction that Geocities imposes on its free accounts is stopping more than one MP3 listen per day. I think I read somewhere that the daily web traffic limit is less than 5 megabytes per day.Maybe that's why some could hear the song but others can't.-Allen

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