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Brave New World Or Dystopian Future?

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 3:53 am
by shoodBworkin

Re: Brave New World Or Dystopian Future?

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 8:22 am
by jacreeve
Yeah, it's scary stuff, huh? AI certainly makes me think twice about songwriting as a future source of income. It's hard enough already to get a toehold in this industry! I take some comfort from this piece by Nick Cave, but I might just be fooling myself: ... great-song

Re: Brave New World Or Dystopian Future?

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:05 pm
by davidira
Right now I see this more brave new world than a dystopian future.

As somebody playing music for 35 years - i love the stuff that I can do today that just didn't exist. I love my AI Logic drummer(s) - they're great and come up with drum lines I can't think of cuz I'm a guitarist.

The simple fact that we can sit down as one person and make a song from start to finish is F'N AMAZING and has been enabled by all sorts of "AI".

Now that being said - how lucrative will song writing be? Probably much less lucrative than it is or was. We've seen this in other areas of music which aren't even being hit by technology. For example live bands used to make about $1000 per night in the 80's in my area. Since around 2000's a band makes $500/night in my area. Inflation adjusted I'm sure it's a 75% reduction and it wasn't because it was automated. What causes this - competition and DUI laws. Just more people able to play well than back in the 80's and less people can hang out drinking without worry. So what's gonna happen when anyone can sit down at a DAW and make a song real easy - it means there will be even more supply and prices for songs will drop accordingly. BUT I say we'll spend much more time actually focusing on writing great songs while the AI takes care of all the horse shit that we currently deal with (EQing, mixing, effects, etc...). Soon I'll just push the button and it will automix/EQ/quantize/plain old make it sound great without me screwing around with the technical aspects. I like the thought of shedding all the technicals and just writing killer tunes.

The best writers/producers will still do fairly well for the foreseeable future.

Re: Brave New World Or Dystopian Future?

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 1:12 am
by Kolstad
I think it way overhyped what AI can do. Nobody delves into the limitations at this point.

The bigger risk is if people think it can do what they claim, and then cease to recognize the real skills of songwriters.

Re: Brave New World Or Dystopian Future?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:48 am
by NaeDae
AI can't be creative. There was a whole album of ambient music released by AI, but the result was a very very one-dimensional formulaic sound. Creativity is about more than formula.