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Learning MIDI and....

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:58 pm
by Kwall1
Greetings fellow Riders and Friends,

I've been swirling in the Google vortex of searching for "that" MIDI tutorial/Class for DAW MIDI beginners. In a nutshell I've never used MIDI before and I'm still a fledgling Pro Tools (Studio) User. I have recently acquired a Novation Impulse MIDI Keyboard and I struggled to simply get sound via my DAW. While I do understand the very basics I quickly realized how little my understanding helped with application.

I accept that much of what I'm going through is necessary, the learning curve. But I am a believer in the benefits of education. Thus me having been endlessly searching online for tutorials. I have found tidbits here and there that have been helpful though it's been a very inefficient use of time (BTW, both Novation and AVID documentation leaves much to be desired). Finally I grew a brain, er, ah, remembered about the TAXI forum. Certainly there's a well worn path from others that have gone before me. So I'm reaching out for help. Hopefully my challenges will ring a bell with some members who will be gracious and share some suggestions on how along with the inevitable trial & error, I can best use my time gaining the desired knowledge.

While MIDI implementation is at the top of the list, I also need to improve my knowledge of all things DAW. So suggestions for online education sources or other pertinent advice is requested and would be greatly appreciated.

My DAW consists of a capable PC, PT Studio, a Focusrite Clarett+ 4Pre, the Novation Impulse and I have acquired multiple plugins.

Thank you so much for your time!

Take care, Kent

Re: Learning MIDI and....

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 12:09 pm
by BradleyHagen
Get a Youtube subscription for 14 bucks per month (so you don't have to sit through annoying ads!), and look on there..I am a fervent believer that one can find information about ANYTHING Music Production related on Youtube, and things like Masterclass, Coursera, etc are cool, but not really necessary nowadays. There are a TON of Pro Tools tutorials, as well as general MIDI editing tips...etc.... As far as the MIDI stuff goes...the key is learning CC Controls, and how to edit your MIDI to make it sound realistic. Just using stock sample libraries as they are is a recipe for a return (which I have found out the hard way)

Just my two cents.....