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Rally 2016

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:37 am
by remmet
Another very special Rally has come and gone. Highlights include:

1. Attending Matt's-Keith's-Chuck's panel on what gets used the most and the value of keeping it simple. It was a message I needed to hear.

2. Renewing old friendships and sensing new ones starting.

3. 2am jam sessions, falling asleep at inopportune times, learning the value of 30,000 Yen (re a placement in Asia), arriving with 10 CDs and leaving with the same 10 CDs and that being just fine.

4. Bringing my introverted son to the Rally and watching him blossom in the warmth he received from everyone there. I can't adequately express how much that means to me. (And he wants to come back next year!)

Every Rally is different, but this one was special in many unexpected and inspiring ways. Thanks go to all who attended, and of course, major thanks go to Taxi and Michael!