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Taxi Road Rally 2016 - Most Awesomest Thing Ever (maybe)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:35 pm
by RebekahAnnCurtis
Where to begin...
(apologies to the grammar nazis, there will be scores of grammatical errors, I'll try to stay sharp and not let this get too flat...)

I'll start off with a THANK YOU to Michael and the Taxi Staff and instructors and everyone... because it was ah. may. zing.

While I did win big, it was seriously, the icing on the cake at that point.

I made some great new contacts, hung out with many people that I'd made connections with in the previous year(s). I don't want to go into details, because really, it's boring, and I just want to write a quick note, because I have work to do.

But THANK YOU to that first Grand Ballroom Panel with Bob Mair and Frank Palazzolo. Working in internet radio and dealing with tracks that are labeled 01 Unknown Unknown Unknown all day long, it was a relief and a reminder (I've been guilty of it in the past) just how important Meta Data (ID3 tags) are. I told our station owner on Monday, and he said he would have kissed the dude that said that!

Arm punching people in the lobby was a super highlight of mine, sorry/not sorry for anyone who has a bruise. ;) As always, networking is fabulous and one of the most important things. For new and future members, pick up a book called "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie, it will help you if you follow the simple principles in that book. Ignore the date it was first published, that's not important, what's important is that you read it.

I am consistently reminded how gracious, patient, and kind people are. It's amazing.

Really, by noon Saturday or was it Friday, I can't remember, I'm still buzzing and a little tired, my rally had been made. Didn't matter what happened going forward. I met some pretty amazing folks, learned some new stuff, and felt awesome about some news and new opportunities.

Then I attended a DIY panel in the Grand Ballroom.

I'm so glad I did!

I WON one of the grand prize packages!!!!

Words cannot express my gratitude, my joy, and the confirmation that Taxi is definitely the real deal! (I'm going to start sounding like a Taxi commercial here, but deal with it)

There was another conference happening at the same time that I seriously thought about going to, but nope, I felt I needed to go to Taxi

It was fun to have followed some fantastic people throughout the year and congratulate them on their successes!

It was fantastic to sit in classes by people I've met at previous rallies and to glean from their experiences!

And really, the prizes were just small potatoes in comparison to the rest of the experience, because if you go with the intent of honing your craft, working on what you are doing, going home and working on what you are doing, honing your craft, returning, getting feedback, going home and honing your craft and working on what you are doing, and accept that you just might be polishing crap, discarding the crap, honing your craft, working on what you are doing, connecting with people with the intent of gleaning knowledge and thought processes, going home and honing your craft, work on what you are doing, polishing something that actually might be worth something, or in the words of Steven Guiles Write Submit Forget Repeat, do this, good things will happen.

I love all yous. You guys are the bestsestes

The real prize is in the relationships you make.

If for nothing else,

I reconnected with old peeps,

met new peeps,

and unwrapped a few

because peeps are always better when they're stale

Don't judge me.


Re: Taxi Road Rally 2016 - Most Awesomest Thing Ever (maybe)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:48 pm
by sguiles
Love ya, homegirl!!


Re: Taxi Road Rally 2016 - Most Awesomest Thing Ever (maybe)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:56 pm
by funsongs
You Go, Girl!...! :? :)

Re: Taxi Road Rally 2016 - Most Awesomest Thing Ever (maybe)

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:20 am
by nick.moxsom
Thanks, Girl.

The spirit is in you.

Lovely to see you and congrats on the big haul.


Re: Taxi Road Rally 2016 - Most Awesomest Thing Ever (maybe)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:40 am
by sansharbour
Thats a sign

You won that box lode now go to town

Pleasure meeting you Rebekah


Re: Taxi Road Rally 2016 - Most Awesomest Thing Ever (maybe)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 4:06 pm
by Geir
You said it all ...
It was great, and you said what we all felt.



Re: Taxi Road Rally 2016 - Most Awesomest Thing Ever (maybe)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:29 pm
by Casey H
My arm is still sore, Rebekah! :lol: :lol:

You pack quite an arm punch!!!

Great seeing you as always!

:-) Casey

Re: Taxi Road Rally 2016 - Most Awesomest Thing Ever (maybe)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 10:05 am
by WaddyP
Great to see you again. I think you really summed up the Rally. My 2 cents is don't be a wallflower like I was the 1st couple of years there are way too many talented people at the rally all willing to share their experience with you. The Rally is indispensable!
Hope to see you again next year.

Re: Taxi Road Rally 2016 - Most Awesomest Thing Ever (maybe)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 10:37 am
by mobster85
Luv u my friend. I am beyond happy for u. This was Awesome and of course seeing u was even better. You and Jason are very special people.

Re: Taxi Road Rally 2016 - Most Awesomest Thing Ever (maybe)

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 9:52 am
by digital1
Glad I got to meet you this year, Rebekah! Looking forward to talking with you more at the next Rally.
