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2020 Virtual Road Rally

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 5:39 am
by Funkyfreddy
The 2020 Virtual Road Rally just might be the best thing TAXI has done for me so far IMHO. I wasn't able to attend the rally last year due to my finances. I live in upstate NY and couldn't afford the airfare and hotel as 2019 was a lean year for me.....

2020? Lean doesn't begin to describe it..... aargh. All my summer gigs got cancelled and my studio clients are on hold except for the remote stuff. I haven't heard from any of my forwards so far in my year and a half at TAXI yet. I'm hoping this changes soon.....

Needless to say I WILL be attending this rally! I have a couple online shows that weekend on Second Life but plan on attending the 2020 rally and taking a lot of notes.

Thanks, Funkyfreddy

Re: 2020 Virtual Road Rally

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:20 pm
by ScreamieBirds
Very excited by this news. Virtual this year may lead me to do it onsite next year. And Steven Pressfield books are awesome! Have read several!