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CD's for the listening sessions

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 2:37 am
by Shalee
Hey peeps!
Quick question- how do the sessions work for the listening sessions, in terms of CD's. Do you only need to create 1 CD, or do you need to have a few so that if more than one person likes the track they can take a CD.

I was thinking of doing a small amount of CD's for these specific listening sessions, and then putting a handful of business cards inside them in case anyone wanted to get in touch.

This is my first rally (coming from Australia), so I'd like to have a game plan sorted in the next few weeks.


Re: CD's for the listening sessions

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 6:16 pm
by jaywilliams
Hey Shalee if you're bringing CDs may as well bring more than one.

From what I saw last year, most of the sharing of music is done with your smart phone and a streaming file from SoundCloud or wherever.

So bring CDs as a giveaway more-so than as a way of sharing your music live.

I don't know that you'll need a hundred of them but you might need 10.

I'm sure others will weigh in with possibly more helpful advice, just hated to hear those crickets in your thread!

See you in November!

Jay :)

Re: CD's for the listening sessions

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:27 am
by Tunesmith
Hi Shalee,

For the one on one mentor sessions I have what I want listened to cued to that track on a dedicated mp3 player like an iPod that I use specifically for that purpose. That prevents a text or email coming thru if you are using a phone during your precious listen time! Course one can probably adjust a setting on the phone, but I'd rather just have it all together and not worry about a setting.

I bring 15 - 25 CD's to hand out at the mentor lunches and other opportunities. I include a business card. I have on the sleeve all the song titles, genres, and I use printable CD's with contact info on them, etc. Meta data your tracks best you can so if popped into a car cd player, your info will show up on the audio screen. Have your contact info on everything!

See you there!


Re: CD's for the listening sessions

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:21 pm
by kyliecouper
For the mentor sessions, I have some tracks ready to go in a specific playlist on my phone. I have them as mp3s downloaded on my phone so I am not relying on Soundcloud, just in case the internet is dodgy.

I also have a sheet printed out with the title of each track, the genre and a little summary of the track.
That way, my mentor can see the tracks I have and can choose to listen to the one(s) that interest him or her the most.

I also have CDs as everyone has said above to hand out to those that are interested. (contact details EVERYWHERE!!)
I didn't hand out many CDs last year. I think most people just want your business card with your Soundcloud link rather than having to lug CDs around

Re: CD's for the listening sessions

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 6:16 pm
by Casey H
Last year 3 out of the 4 listening panels were not done with CD drop box. Instead Taxi ran 3 listings, one for each of the 3 panels. All submissions were loaded into a system for random pick. So CDs were not needed for those. That being said, I don't know what Taxi is planning for this year but I suspect that will be announced very soon.

I agree that *IF* you will be attending the mentor lunches, bring enough CDs to cover each mentor at each lunch (around 7-8 per lunch). Mentors often collect CDs from everyone at the table.

Although CDs aren't used as much anymore, having a few with you just in case is good. (In addition to the ones for mentor lunches).

My personal advice is use CD envelopes, not cases, for the rally (lighter, more portable). Make sure you put your contact info on both the envelope and the CD. Also, put your track title list on the envelope, not just the CD.

And if not obvious, have business cards with a link to your best music as well as your phone number and email address.

Good luck!
:D Casey

Re: CD's for the listening sessions

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 9:38 pm
by Shalee
Thanks everyone, I might wait and see if TAXI does the listing and will just bring a few CDs. My portfolio is all on my website so I will have my business cards, and will download as MP3's the tracks I am going to chat to my mentor about!


Re: CD's for the listening sessions

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 2:14 pm
by Casey H
Hey Shalee :D
I think I saw you many times at the rally but never got to introduce myself! :( :cry:

Casey, this is Shalee.... Shalee, this is Casey. :D :P