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Before posting or reviewing you MUST READ THIS!

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 12:48 pm
by jay10music
So here’s the deal, the CHALLENGE.We hear it all the time.. "I got a bad review from TAXI, and I don’t agree, my song is a HIT and it ROCKS!".Oh yeah? You willing to stand behind that? No problem. Post your song here for others to review, let's see what they think. Here’s the catch.As the screener, you have to put yourself in the driver's seat, pretend you're us. While you are reviewing the song, be thorough, like our screeners are, and when you make the decision if you would forward it, imagine yourself walking into a major label with the song. You be the A&R Rep. Are you willing to wager your JOB for this artist or song??If YES, then forward it, if NOT, then tell them why.So you see, our screeners' jobs aren’t that easy after all, eh??Below, please find the form to review other members. Just copy and paste it and fill in the blanks.Have fun!!!!