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Acoustic Guitar underscore

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 4:27 pm
by irthlingz
Feedback appreciated!

A Guitarscape

Michael & Sharon

ACOUSTIC GUITAR-Based UNDERSCORE INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a very successful boutique Music Library that's distributed by Universal and has tons of credits in Big Films, Countless TV Shows, and Commercials!

NOTE: We previously ran this request as TAXI Dispatch Listing #D210710AG, but the Library didn't find what they were looking for. If you submitted to listing #D210710AG, please send different material this time around.

This is a catalog you want to be in! Please listen to the following examples the Library gave us to get yourself in the ballpark of what they need:

Instrumental Examples

Quoting the Library: "We're looking for filigree pattern-based Cues featuring acoustic guitar/stringed instruments that are underscore-friendly. Ideal for storytelling on daily TV and advertisements."

Please send well-produced, underscore-friendly Cues that feature well-played, finger-picked Acoustic Guitar as their focal point. Light percussion, synth pads, soft strings, etc. could be nice touches, as well! Craft your Cues around on clear pattern/motif, and create a sense of forward momentum and dynamics by layering instrumentation in and out as they progress. Your production should be competitive with the references. Please be sure that any virtual instruments or samples you use are modern and high-quality.

TAXI Tip: Although this Company wants pattern-based instrumentals, please keep those patterns on the simple side. Remember, you're not trying to show off what an amazing guitar player you are, so much as creating a vibe, feeling, and emotion, while leaving plenty of room for dialogue to be the focus.

All submissions should be about 2 minutes long, give or take. Good edit points and non-faded, buttoned/stinger endings are required. Do NOT copy the references in any way, shape, or form. Use them only as a general guide for tempo, tone, texture, and overall vibe. Broadcast Quality is needed.

NOTE: This company has a strong preference for composers who understand music licensing companies and how typical music library deals are structured. If that's not you, they politely ask that you don't submit to this request.

This Music Library offers an EXCLUSIVE deal with a cool twist. You’ll keep 50% of all gross income generated by your music, plus you’ll get 100% of the Writer’s share income generated by your PRO. In other words, if the company licenses your music under a blanket deal, you’ll get income. If they license it for a YouTube video, you’ll get income. Not all music libraries pay you for things like that! The Publisher will get 100% of the Publisher’s share.

Because this is an Exclusive deal, the music you submit for this pitch cannot already be signed with other Libraries or Publishers. You must own or control 100% of your Master and Composition rights. Please send as many Instrumental Cues as you’d like, online or per CD. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PDT) on Sunday, August 1st, 2021. TAXI # S210801AG

Re: Acoustic Guitar underscore

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 5:41 pm
by AlanHall
Wow!! That's chillingly beautiful; evocative of some very powerful images with the Spanish/classical style that you used. Unfortunately, not a forward, as that's the opposite of what they've asked for. Still thanks for sharing! Delightful for what it is! :)

edit: so this is my understanding of the listing. They want underscore music that does not have interesting rhythms or melodic phrases because it needs to sound so predictable that after the first 3 seconds it has become wallpaper. Almost entirely homogeneous in rhythmic pacing, almost no melody (chord or scale or pentatonic sequences fine, but nothing that drags the ear toward the music). As the listing reads "please keep those patterns on the simple side", and I hear that in the ref tracks. Super simple. Which is not always easy to do ;)

Re: Acoustic Guitar underscore

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 5:58 pm
by irthlingz
Dang it.

Thank you, Alan!

Re: Acoustic Guitar underscore

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 8:06 pm
by irthlingz
Like this?

(Recommend drinking a cup or two of coffee before listening.)

Michael & Sharon

Re: Acoustic Guitar underscore

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 2:04 am
by superkons
The new version is certainly more in the vein of the references. I feel those occasional strums to be quite distracting, though, and I would definitely add other instruments, as at the moment the piece is very repetitive. The references do have strings, synths, light percussion, etc, coming in and out

Re: Acoustic Guitar underscore

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:24 am
by irthlingz
Thank you, Marco!

New version is up with strums eliminated and other instruments brought up to audible level (bass and drums starting at around 0:29, synth pad at around 1:18).

>Please click here to listen to the new version! Thanks!<

Re: Acoustic Guitar underscore

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 3:41 pm
by AlanHall
Much closer to the listing! Good work, and worth moving forward with IMO.

My observations/suggestions are that it's way too late by :30 to bring the next layer in. Maybe something like the pad you have later in the cue in by :15 or :20, weaving in and out with other layers (a bunch of other layers?). The percussion should be the force that drives it home in the last :30 or :40 of the piece. While the ref tracks are simple and laid-back, they have enough variation that the editor still has options. What you have is nice, just bring more. ;)

Re: Acoustic Guitar underscore

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 5:22 pm
by superkons
Totally agree with Alan, add something new/remove an instrument every 4/8 bars. Also, I still could not hear well the other instruments, the harp still drowns them a lot

Re: Acoustic Guitar underscore

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 5:56 pm
by irthlingz
Really appreciate the suggestions, Alan and Marco! New version here: ... 5PJqoKqYVe

Added a piano track. Not something new every every 4-8 bars, but getting closer. Thinking about what else we could add.

Background tracks are louder, but maybe still too soft?

Now we have :
1) Guitar throughout (BTW, Sharon thought it sounded like a harp, too. Hmm.)
2) Synth pad from :15 to :30
3) Piano from :30 to 1:00
4) Drums and bass from :45 to the end
5) Synth pad from 1:18 to end
6) Piano from 1:45 to end

Any suggestions for "more"?


Re: Acoustic Guitar underscore

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:34 pm
by gitanosoy
Waited for the guitar to come in but it never did. Am I missing something or listening to a different track> ...confused!!