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Lush Life (feat. Signe)

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:43 am
by Kolstad
I've gotten my friend Signe to record vocals for this song, that I wrote for a commercial opp, a while ago.
Now it's up to me. Wonder how's the mix, and what I could do to give it more impact?
Target is still tv/film licensing.

Lush Life

A plug for Signe, who's an awesome session singer, who could use the work! She's recording both at home and in Backbeat studio outside Edinburgh Totally professional to work with, industry standard rates, and a unique voice that can bring your music alive!

Re: Lush Life (feat. Signe)

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:32 am
by rld
Like the song and her voice.
I notice a few spots where either pitch correction artifacts or edits make the voice sound a bit unnatural.
@ :18, :26, and :34
I also notice a hiss associated with either the whistle or tremolo git at :50 thru :53.
These are nitpicks but they are noticeable and we want the best results we can get, right? ;)

Re: Lush Life (feat. Signe)

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:46 pm
by Kolstad
I'll check that RL!
Signe is anti pitch correction, so she spent a full day or more comping takes for this.
But I might have put some nasty stuff on in the mix, or it can be the mp3 conversion down to 128.
Damn, I'm my own worst enemy!

But best is the better bet, basolutely! :D

Re: Lush Life (feat. Signe)

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:22 pm
by teleblaster
Pretty song, very nice vocal on it. The vocal processing almost seems too good for this track. The arrangement and instruments have kind of an indy/Juno flavor and the vocal treatment is very polished.

Nice track, very pleasurable listen and cool upbeat lyrics!

Re: Lush Life (feat. Signe)

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:53 am
by marcblack30
Good tune, I like Signe's voice, suits it well.
Mix sound pretty good to me, my only nit is that the tambo sounds too mechanical, everything else sounds nice and natural, maybe if you have one around, try playing it live, otherwise just try to make it sound like a person is playing it.

nice work, great listen!

Re: Lush Life (feat. Signe)

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:54 am
by Kolstad
Thanks Erich & Marc,

I think I need to rework this a bit. There are some edits to fix, and I want more dynamics in the song. I might record drums from the start of verse 2, and then add a real tambourine for the last chorus. Drums also calls for bass, so I'll try with a full version, and then have a stripped acoustic version as well. Then I'll probably have to rerecord the electric guitar. Appreciate it!

Check out the links to Signe as well, she's a professional singer, does work-for-hire, and is awesome with harmonies too. Highly reccomended!

Re: Lush Life (feat. Signe)

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:19 am
by deantaylor
I've always loved the melody and feel of this song. I still remember it well from a prior review.

Signe's vocal is cool, but I kinda felt a little like Erich, the vocal and track are not perfectly matched yet .. close but could be better .. the vocal is a bit too polished.


Re: Lush Life (feat. Signe)

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:58 am
by Kolstad
Appreciate your comments, Dean! You have a great ear for these things, due to all the songs you do in this genre, so I'll roughen it up a bit again. I did that on the first version with my own vocals, so it's back to parallel compression :D

Another plug for Signe as well, she's had a major record deal, and just kills with singer/songwriter, adult cont., & cont. pop & dance material. Available at

Re: Lush Life (feat. Signe)

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:17 am
by nick.moxsom
Magne, this is a pretty tune.

I never heard your original version, and granted Signe has a beautiful voice, but this sounds like a man's song to me. It's like a reflective look at life, from someone who has a perspective born of experience. I agree with Dean – the vocal needs to be less slick, imo, to reflect that almost boxcar-style Woody Guthrie vibe. Only my opinion, of course – enjoyed it anyway.


Re: Lush Life (feat. Signe)

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:05 pm
by Kolstad
Thanks Nick!

I'll work on Signe's vocal tracks, to get more in sync with indie pop. I think that's sound advice. I'll consider getting a male vocal, if it won't fly. Think that's the order. I believe very much in Signe, and I think she can sell it. My own vocal is just not an option for commercial releases. I'm not a trained singer, I'm 41 and I just don't have that commercial sound to my voice, that the a&r people require. So I try to play on my strengths, as much as I can.

It's d... hard to get something viable on todays market. Sometimes it feels like everyone else has nailed the commercial genres, and I'm just a wannabe fool. But I'll keep on writing as long as it feels real to me, and I believe in my raw material. Hopefully my productions comes more together soon. I don't lack the tools for sure..