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No complaints here

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 8:15 pm
by dbmeaudio
I'm a professional musician and AV guy. I've had several returns and submitted a song for critique. We all pay our money and think our project is the best fit for the listing. I am included in "all". I used to do radio commercial donut jingles, 100 or more. Not always did the ad agency like what I originally recorded or the vocal, or the particular genre. It was a let down but it taught me to go back in the studio and make it better. At that time (90's & early 2k's) I was using an Atari ST with MultiTracks Pro for all the rack modules and syncing SMPTE to 1/2" multitrack tape. Can you say "drop outs"? LOL! Ha!

Since then I've upgraded a bit to a Yamaha 56 input digital console, Apogee Symphony & Avid HD converter boxes and a great mic locker. With all the toys, if it's not what "they" want musically, it's not what they want ! Back to the drawing board.

Did you know Micheal Jackson wrote 1,000 songs to make one album. Even then some songs were not up to par with others on the same album. Ben Franklin put it into a great phrase... " I didn't fail a thousand times to make the light bulb, I just learned how not to do Make a light bulb..." I listen when I'm critiqued about my writings. There's no greater feedback than those of our peers and like knowledgeable professionals. Not that I have to take it all in or change anything if I choose but it certainly doesn't hurt to change things up. Never know, you might like what you change.

No matter what, it's about the song. Whether it's a 15 or 30 sec jingle or full on 7 min song. It's about the song... If it's weak, pump it up! If it's saying the same thing in different ways, find a story line and write a story. If it's worn out cliches, find fresh ways to say it... It's still about the song !

This is not a business for the faint hearted or quitters. If you're good at your craft,, it's only a matter of time before you land something. Quitting guarantees failure. Preserverence breeds success. If you don't think you can cut it, practice more. Take some time and come back fresh.

I'm stoked about the opportunity to do this, Taxi is a great vehicle (pun intended) for great ride (pun intended). No ride is free, especially in this biz. As much as we'd all like to do this full time, we still have to make living until we land several listings.

Let's do this!!!