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Thanks Reviewer 111

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:03 pm
by auroralenora
RE: S070112MR, Song Title: Get On Down On That GroundThis was my first submission, thanks for being so positive and for the good advice (which I completely agree with.). Also, thanks for not blasting me for sending it to an inappropriate listing! My jaw dropped when I read "not appropriate for modern rock" because I didn't think I submitted to a *rock* listing! I didn't even look at rock listings, only country, so I really don't know what happened. I'll chalk it up to my newness, I did something nutty, but I'll also chalk it up to serendipity. Perhaps I needed to hear exactly what you had to say...And I don't know if you will (or can) respond to this, but I am curious your thoughts on submitting this song, new and improved, with female vocals (mine) for a male artist listing? (Rather than paying for a male vocalist again...). I have a female version, with minor lyrical changes.? and Thanks again!Dawn