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Thoughts Piano-Driven Track TAXI # S211106UN

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 9:24 am
by bmoBauhaus
Hi there,

I am looking for feedback on this track. I read the TAXI ad and came up with this piano idea this morning. I think I could flesh it out with strings and it would match what they are looking for. However, the ad says to avoid an A/B section form and just stick to one idea. I have sort of an intro to main section that repeats itself. Do you think this would get forwarded? Maybe I could cut the middle A part and have more of an intro A followed by B and another B? This is just a rough idea and I just recorded it on my phone, haven't actually produced yet. Would love any thoughts on this. Thank you.

I have attached a soundcloud link below. ... soundcloud]

Re: Thoughts Piano-Driven Track TAXI # S211106UN

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 7:46 pm
by superblonde
Piano line sounds very nice, it is a sequence, that matches the refs well. The noise floor is very high, as you mention, recorded on a phone.

I believe there needs to be additional instrumentation on the second half to thicken the texture. That's what they asked for and that's what the ref does.

Maybe you could cut the track into separate tracks, finish each of them with the singular idea orchestrated in a few ways, and then submit multiple cues.

As for the ending? Not sure, do you need a buttonized chord or is it okay to trail off? Maybe they don't want the 'soft/ritard ending' and instead want a definitive final beat ("DAH - DUN!", you know).

Re: Thoughts Piano-Driven Track TAXI # S211106UN

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 9:09 am
by superblonde
this thread should be in the peer-to-peer area.

Re: Thoughts Piano-Driven Track TAXI # S211106UN

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:33 am
by bmoBauhaus
Yeah, I realized that now. Thank you!