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Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:35 am
by jeffchurchwell
Dear Buckaroos and Buckarettes,I have a problem (or opportunity) that I need help and advice to deal with. I know of a band that has a song that is PERFECT for the listing below, looking for songs about the Rodeo. This band is NOT a TAXI member, and unfortunately, is not in a position to become a member anytime soon. I do not know the members personally. I know of their song because it was in the same Oasis CD Acoustic Sampler CD set that one of my own songs was on. Their song was the frst track on Disc 1 of 4, and it deserved that placement. The song is called "Rodeo Clown," and the band is called "Late Bloomers." I have placed a copy of their song TEMPORARILY (only through the listing deadline of 7/31) on my Broadjam page for you to listen to and see whether you agree with me that the song should be submitted. Visit . It's the last song in the complete listing (View All).My problem is, since they can't submit, how in the world can I bring it to the attention of the company in the listing? Is there some backdoor method anyone can help me find? Can we do a good deed for this band and earn karma points thereby? Any ideas? Again, THIS IS NOT MY SONG, I get NOTHING for this, I have no vested interest. I just know the song and the listing were meant for each other. Here's the listing:COUNTRY SONGS that are specifically about THE RODEO are needed by: Film, TV, and Advert. Music w/ 50/50 SPLIT + YOU KEEP ALL YOUR COPYRIGHTS with this NON-EXCLUSIVE Placement Company being started by veterans of that industry. The CEO of this company is a close friend of Michael Laskow's, and is very TAXI's bar is very high for this listing! They are looking for master quality songs; only the best will be's QUALITY not quantity, so this will be a huge opportunity for those who are chosen. All styles of Country are OK, but your lyrical theme must center on the Rodeo world. If you've already submitted the same material to #Y060612CO and have been forwarded, there's no need to submit here. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY -- NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. For ground submissions, please enclose a S.A.S.E. if you would like a response. Submissions must be received by July 31, 2006.TAXI # Y060731ROThanks for any and all help and suggestions.Jeff

Re: Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:25 am
by 53mph
If there was a backdoor method, what would be the point in being a member?If you're really keen to help them out then drop an email to the owner of Taxi stating what you said here and ask him if he'll help.

Re: Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:52 am
by jeffchurchwell
53,I grant you membership would be pointless if we all could get around it. For myself, the critiques are as important as the possibility of being forwarded. But yeah, I can "send a message to Michael." Good idea, thanks.Jeff

Re: Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:40 am
by matto
Jeff,please notice the listing is looking for COUNTRY songs, but this song is not country at all, it would even be a stretch to call it alt country. Since this is a film/tv listing, that's a major problem (actually it would be a major problem for ANY type of listing... ). It's a really nice song however, great mood and feel, and I think it's great you wanna help these guys out. But of course, if you want a shot at winning the lottery, you have to buy a ticket... matto

Re: Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:12 am
by bc
I was country when country wasn't cool, and have observed the evolution(s) and confluences of country sub genre for over 40 years, and have to humbly disagree with Matto's post. "Rodio Clown" is indeed a country song -- in the best tradition of the Eagles' "Desperado." Maybe the addition of pedal steel, fiddle, and backup vocals would make it easier for folks who are not familiar with the idiomatic nuances and country music sublties that abound in this track. Respectfully, Matto, this remains one of the problems with TAXI. If you are one of the critique cadre, and returned this tune, you would be doing the songwriter a regrettable discourtesy. Country music is and has always been more than 3 chord turnarounds. Listen to the colorful variety of styles seen and heard on CMT, or GAC. I do every day. The fact that this is a film/tv listing broadens the scope of opportunity for this track. best,bc

Re: Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:06 am
by jeffchurchwell
I, too, feel the song falls within the "broad" definition of Country music. It's as much the feel of the song as the structure. I grew up in a town dominated by Country music (Tulsa, OK and KVOO radio), and while this ain't Hank, it IS Country. My $.02.I just have to get someone's attention for it.Matto, I talked to these guys via email, and their fortunes are flagging. This song paired with this listing could be just the thing to bring them out of obscurity. I feel more strongly about this than I have for any listing I'VE answered for one of my pieces. Obviously, I'm not the screeners, and I could be completely wrong. But it FEELS right.JeffJeff

Re: Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:41 am
by matto
Hi bc, how have you been? I won't pretend to possess your knowledge of country music, although I listen to it quite frequently and have for many years...however I can pretty much guarantee you that the listing party and subsequent potential users of this song will have far less knowledge of the subtleties of the genre than I do .I agree that this song has potential for film and tv, but from my relatively in-depth experience in the film/tv/music library world, I'd tell you that if this song were to be put on a music library CD in the country category, it most likely would never get used. If the same song was put on an Americana or AAA disc, it would almost certainly get used. But from the way this listing reads, this company is not looking for the latter.I think the difference in our definitions of "country" is purely contextual. You define the genre in a musical, cultural, philosophical, historical way. I look at it strictly from a marketing standpoint.If the majority of people wouldn't put the Eagles in the "country" category, neither will I...(even though I think you're right, actually )But...I believe that submitting to a Taxi listing, other film/tv opportunity, or really ANY pitch, isn't about being right, or about being more knowledgable about genres or about music than the screeners or the listing parties. Nor is it about pushing the envelope.It's about finding the best and most surefire way of getting the music out to the consumer/end user, whoever they may be.matto

Re: Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:50 am
by matto
Quote:Matto, I talked to these guys via email, and their fortunes are flagging. This song paired with this listing could be just the thing to bring them out of obscurity. Jeff I think your hopes for this listing are far to high, regardless of the genre issue. It's not realistic to expect them to be "brought out of obscurity" by a listing like this. I've had tons of film/tv placements over the last few years and my catalog is several 100 tracks deep...yet I still live in obscurity .

Re: Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 1:38 pm
by jeffchurchwell
Quote:I've had tons of film/tv placements over the last few years and my catalog is several 100 tracks deep...yet I still live in obscurity .LOL.. Matto, is that the way of the world, or a personal choice? Perhaps I should have said it could bring them up a rung on the poverty ladder ;-)Maybe my hopes are too high for that song, but it grabbed me from first hearing. If I could submit it myself, I would.Jeff

Re: Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:32 pm
by matto
Quote:Maybe my hopes are too high for that song, but it grabbed me from first hearing. If I could submit it myself, I would.Jeff, it grabbed me too. It's a great song, one that deserves to be heard and generate its writer(s) some money...I would proudly submit it if I had written an appropriate listing of course