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Does "instrumental" mean no oohs/ahhs, etc.?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:09 pm
by bfl
Does anyone know if a listing says "instrumental", then should the song definitely not contain vocal oohs/ahhs, etc.? The listings that mention instrumentals seem to usually say "vocal performances must be top notch, but this could be boilerplate text that goes in all of them or something.

Re: Does "instrumental" mean no oohs/ahhs, etc.?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:34 pm
by Len911
I've always heard people reference the voice as an instrument,lol, but then where will it end, talk boxes? LOL, I don't know, my guess is that oohs and ahh choir voices alone would be okay for instrumentals as long as it wasn't overdone with the oohs and ahhs, and they were more background than lead. And I would suppose vocals would be lead vocals and not just background voices like oohs and ahhs.

Re: Does "instrumental" mean no oohs/ahhs, etc.?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:24 am
by theharper
I have a New Age piece with Harp, Synths and OM chanting...but I consider it an instrumental.

Re: Does "instrumental" mean no oohs/ahhs, etc.?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:12 am
by raymy
I think the voice as an instrument is ok in instrumentals. The main idea is that there are no lyrics. Lyrics demand to much of the listeners attention. Just my 2 cents.