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Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:25 am
by jchitty
Three of my songs were accepted by a professional songplugger in Nashville....I'm very excited. This person is very legit, (no shark, I promise, they don't accept what they don't want to plug) so I am of those songs accepted was New Girl In New York City, the one fowarded by TAXI. The other two songs are "I Wiped the Dust Off My Good Shoes" and "Old Lem Jones." I will continue to use TAXI's services as well....I look at it this way, I'm working all angles. I gotta post this somewhere, I'm dancing up and down....yeah, it's a shameless plug, hehe.

Re: Yeehaw....

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:03 am
by clonsberry
Quote:Three of my songs were accepted by a professional songplugger in Nashville....I'm very excited.That is absolutely great. That IS exciting and I'm not even you!

Re: Yeehaw....

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:05 am
by davewalton
Quote:Three of my songs were accepted by a professional songplugger in Nashville....I'm very excited. This person is very legit, (no shark, I promise, they don't accept what they don't want to plug) so I am of those songs accepted was New Girl In New York City, the one fowarded by TAXI. The other two songs are "I Wiped the Dust Off My Good Shoes" and "Old Lem Jones." I will continue to use TAXI's services as well....I look at it this way, I'm working all angles. I gotta post this somewhere, I'm dancing up and down....yeah, it's a shameless plug, hehe. ... d=2572Well tie me to an anthill and smear my ears with jelly! I'll send a congratulatory "yee-haw" your ways.

Re: Yeehaw....

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:10 am
by bc
Good going girl. This is where things can really get interesting. I've had the rug laid down and pulled out from under a couple times this year, but it wasn't my plugger's fault. I wish you all the best and add my prayers to others' in Jesus' name that your work receives favor in Nashville! bc

Re: Yeehaw....

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:11 am
by onoffon
Way to work it, Chitty!!!I hope it's the first of many congrats coming your way...

Re: Yeehaw....

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:16 am
by jchitty
Thanks Chris and Dave. I'm a starting to believe in 'ole TAXI too.....the song plugger especially wanted New Girl In New York City, the one they fowarded, so I'm finding out TAXI screeners are doing a good job!Now, onto finding the funds for it....the monthly retainer is actually reasonable (well, relatively)....they sent me a schedule 3 agreement and contract, and they receive a back end bonus depending upon if your song gets cut and how much radio play it receives.That's putting the cart before the horse....many a plugger has plugged a song and it has gone nowhere no matter how well connected the plugger may be, but I'm just excited I was accepted. I'll probably enter into a six month agreement....will have people look this over, hubby, atty, whatever before I sign for sure.

Re: Yeehaw....

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:20 am
by jchitty
Quote:Good going girl. This is where things can really get interesting. I've had the rug laid down and pulled out from under a couple times this year, but it wasn't my plugger's fault. I wish you all the best and add my prayers to others' in Jesus' name that your work receives favor in Nashville! bc Thanks for your prayers, BC....I am going to PM you with the plugger's name. I trust in them, but any behind the scenes thoughts or recommendations would be welcomed.Ono, thanks for your congrats as well!

Re: Yeehaw....

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:21 am
by sgs4u
That's really fabulous news Chits. Congratulations.

Re: Yeehaw....

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:35 am
by jchitty
Thanks, Steve. BTW, that's a precious little boy you have there.

Re: Yeehaw....

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:00 am
by jchitty
Question to ask....if anyone here has the name of an entertainment attorney in Nashville, pass me a PM if you can.