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Hello Taxi Riders. I need FANS BAD.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:06 pm
by jaxsn
I'm not sure how this works on the Taxi site to be on my fan list.

Re: Hello Taxi Riders. I need FANS BAD.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 3:53 am
by jaxsn

Re: Hello Taxi Riders. I need FANS BAD.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:03 am
by pugetsound73
jxsn-Your first two links locked me up. That may explain the lack of responses (?)I was able to listen to the songs on the last link, though. Very scarry! I closed my eyes and pictured a stalker-type seeking his prey!The rain drops(?) on the first one may not fit for any scenes I can think of, but the last one had some great sounds that fit in great . Also an overall intense feeling on that one.pugetsound73

Re: Hello Taxi Riders. I need FANS BAD.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:42 am
by aubreyz
Jaxsn,Some interesting stuff. Sounds a bit midi to me, but it's obvious you are talented.Not to hijack this thread and get all religious, but something on your page jumped out at me:Quote:Just read in the bible about Lucifer the musician.It annoys me when somebody tells somebody else to read the bible, but yet they don't even know what's in it.Did you know that the word Lucifer in Ezekiel 14 was added by the King James translaters and isn't even an English translation of the Hebrew word " helel" (literal-Day Star) but is a Latin word just thrown in there? The whole name Lucifer is made up.Did you know that the phrase in chapter 28 "Every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, Beryl, onyx, and jasper, Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created." doesn't refer to musical instruments at all? The Hebrew words translated timbrals and pipes refer to jewelry settings, which would contain the stones mentioned before it.Also, read the context of those whole chapters. It's specifically talking about a man, a king of Tyre - not a supernatural being.There is absolutely no biblical evidence of some "lucifer" who was worship leader in heaven, or even a musician. But it sure makes for a heck of a good story for preachers to use (and yes I used to be one) when slamming the "evils" of secular music.Sorry but you stepped into one of my pet peeves. Myth's like this get perpetuated as fact just because people hear somebody say it and then it becomes fact.Case in point - How many times have you heard a preacher/teacher talk about when Saul's name was changed to Paul? Your homework for the weekend is to find that story in the bible. No disrespect meant. Stepping off my soapbox now.Aub

Re: Hello Taxi Riders. I need FANS BAD.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:13 am
by michael11
Quote:Jaxsn,Some interesting stuff. Sounds a bit midi to me, but it's obvious you are talented.Not to hijack this thread and get all religious, but something on your page jumped out at me:Quote:Just read in the bible about Lucifer the musician.It annoys me when somebody tells somebody else to read the bible, but yet they don't even know what's in it.Did you know that the word Lucifer in Ezekiel 14 was added by the King James translaters and isn't even an English translation of the Hebrew word " helel" (literal-Day Star) but is a Latin word just thrown in there? The whole name Lucifer is made up.Did you know that the phrase in chapter 28 "Every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, Beryl, onyx, and jasper, Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created." doesn't refer to musical instruments at all? The Hebrew words translated timbrals and pipes refer to jewelry settings, which would contain the stones mentioned before it.Also, read the context of those whole chapters. It's specifically talking about a man, a king of Tyre - not a supernatural being.There is absolutely no biblical evidence of some "lucifer" who was worship leader in heaven, or even a musician. But it sure makes for a heck of a good story for preachers to use (and yes I used to be one) when slamming the "evils" of secular music.Sorry but you stepped into one of my pet peeves. Myth's like this get perpetuated as fact just because people hear somebody say it and then it becomes fact.Case in point - How many times have you heard a preacher/teacher talk about when Saul's name was changed to Paul? Your homework for the weekend is to find that story in the bible. No disrespect meant. Stepping off my soapbox now.AubThis feels a bit like the mauling I got from a screener when I tried to adapt a pop lyric to a christian one!! I think an appropriate saying is,your sins will find you out. Don't know who said that first but it certainly wasn't me.

Re: Hello Taxi Riders. I need FANS BAD.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:37 am
by andreh
Quote:jxsn-Your first two links locked me up. That may explain the lack of responses (?)jxsn-Your web pages take a long time to load because you've embedded so many audio files into them, which all need to load before the page is complete. You could speed things up significantly by replacing your embedded audio files with links to the files, or by using a flash player such as WimpyPlayer to play them back.André

Re: Hello Taxi Riders. I need FANS BAD.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:40 am
by andreh
Quote:Quote:Jaxsn,Some interesting stuff. Sounds a bit midi to me, but it's obvious you are talented.Not to hijack this thread and get all religious, but something on your page jumped out at me:It annoys me when somebody tells somebody else to read the bible, but yet they don't even know what's in it.Did you know that the word Lucifer in Ezekiel 14 was added by the King James translaters and isn't even an English translation of the Hebrew word " helel" (literal-Day Star) but is a Latin word just thrown in there? The whole name Lucifer is made up.Did you know that the phrase in chapter 28 "Every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, Beryl, onyx, and jasper, Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created." doesn't refer to musical instruments at all? The Hebrew words translated timbrals and pipes refer to jewelry settings, which would contain the stones mentioned before it.Also, read the context of those whole chapters. It's specifically talking about a man, a king of Tyre - not a supernatural being.There is absolutely no biblical evidence of some "lucifer" who was worship leader in heaven, or even a musician. But it sure makes for a heck of a good story for preachers to use (and yes I used to be one) when slamming the "evils" of secular music.Sorry but you stepped into one of my pet peeves. Myth's like this get perpetuated as fact just because people hear somebody say it and then it becomes fact.Case in point - How many times have you heard a preacher/teacher talk about when Saul's name was changed to Paul? Your homework for the weekend is to find that story in the bible. No disrespect meant. Stepping off my soapbox now.AubThis feels a bit like the mauling I got from a screener when I tried to adapt a pop lyric to a christian one!! I think an appropriate saying is,your sins will find you out. Don't know who said that first but it certainly wasn't me. You go, Aub! Tell it like it is! Of course, everything in the bible could be considered perpetuated myths as much as misconstructions of its contents could...I guess it all depends on how you look at it. André

Re: Hello Taxi Riders. I need FANS BAD.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:41 am
by aubreyz
Quote:Quote:This feels a bit like the mauling I got from a screener when I tried to adapt a pop lyric to a christian one!! I think an appropriate saying is,your sins will find you out. Don't know who said that first but it certainly wasn't me. You go, Aub! Tell it like it is! Of course, everything in the bible could be considered perpetuated myths as much as misconstructions of its contents could...I guess it all depends on how you look at it. Andrélol... don't even get me started on the ten commandments The topic of whether or not the whole bible is a perpetuated myth is a very different can of worms not to be fished here. I make no apologies for my faith, but I'd rather let my actions speak more than words.I do have little tolerance for those who try to use a book to back up everything, and yet don't really even know much about the book that they place such absolute trust in. That's not a dig at you jaxsn, or anyone else. Just explaining my perspective.Okay... I said I was getting off my soapbox, but evidently the boxes were stacked up and I stepped off one onto another one Aub (is it any wonder I'm not a pastor anymore?) Delane

Re: Hello Taxi Riders. I need FANS BAD.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:22 am
by gitarrero
hey aub,I'm not religious at all (in fact I resigned from the church) but I find it alway interesting to read comments on what and how find it's way in a religion.cheers,martin

Re: Hello Taxi Riders. I need FANS BAD.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:57 am
by horacejesse
Some people are convinced the world is all of 6,000 years old!It does not say that in the bible, but they say it because of the bible. Some will go as high as 12,000. They believe the biblical chronology of the generations literally, at least they think so.There are apostate scientists who have turned Christian and are on the guest speaker circuit at churches. I know, because one came to my brother's church. I was shown the literatue and invited, but I didn't attend.They do their best to prove with science that the world is between six to twelve thousand years old. I was interested and repulsed at the same time. With the bodies of science and religion, a Frankenstein's monster was going to be created before your very eyes.