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Double Top Ten!

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:43 am
by rolanoid
Rolanoid lands two tracks in the Broadjam Trance Chart at the same time! Cyclonic is at no.1 and Reason To Live at is at

Re: Double Top Ten!

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 3:09 am
by Casey H
Quote:Rolanoid lands two tracks in the Broadjam Trance Chart at the same time! Cyclonic is at no.1 and Reason To Live at is at'm always hesitant to say this because I feel like I will be bursting somebody's bubble. First, congrats... any recognition is good...I've been on the broadjam top ten lists a number of times. The bottom line, however, is they are fairly meaningless. The categories are watered down into too many sub-categories and it is based on a very flawed peer review system. Is it better to be on the top ten than not? Of course! But it doesn't reflect what true A&R, film music execs, etc. might think of the music.If TAXI provided charts one day based on forwards and the opinions of their trained reviewers, that would be much more meaningful. Also, if you privately obtain a pro-critique inside or outside of TAXI, that feedback has great value.Anyway, I'm happy you made the top ten there. It can't hurt!All the best, Casey