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TOP40 Style POP SONG for $100,000 Placement! COLLAB WITH ME!

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 11:11 am
by FredrikPark
TOP 40 Style POP SONGS Needed for $100,000 Placement !!
Deadline Tuesday Dec 10, 2016 !!

Hi from a skilled composer, musician & producer in Sweden, Europe!
Interested in premium listing collabs in general, and this listing is one of them!

You think you have great songwring for it, or producing skills for the genre?
Feel that time too short for this premium level challenge?
It has to be really good songwriting, performance AND production value, I'd assume.

So why not team up and make it happen!
[update: My pro level male singer and songwriting partner most likely won't be as available for this as I hoped for. I still might or might not be able to talk him into singing already written lyrics & lead vocal part.]

Me, I claim to have World class vocal editing skills AND World class editing tools by now.
My mixing skills has dramatically increased in recent years too, and I keep investing in new instruments, sounds and mixing plugins.

Broadcast quality in general, although maybe not quite top 40 Radio ready for FULL productions yet. However, certain parts and elements that I do are already up there.

Highlighting my editing-mixing-mastering skills: ... eforeafter
(starting with unmixed part, so wait for it... ! ) :)

Full track with & without lead vox in the setlist: ... xing-promo
(stem-mixing, using 45 stems)

Highlighting my diverse creativity in 2016:
Several of those profile tracks were first attempts for the genres.

I have classical music training, and the same attention to details and anything natural flowing, but I don't shy away from making things e.g. techy when needed.
Example of this is the modern EDM style part in the "Miami Street Kings (WIP) (Cuban Electronic)"
Never had time to finish that one yet)

If you are interested in any of my skills, let me know ASAP, along with what you are bringing to the table yourself! :)
Include working no-brainer links to your work, in similar genres if you have it.

Fastest way to reach me right now is sending a PM on FB.

Thank you for your time!
(I deleted the accidental post in the wrong section now)

Here is the TAXI Listing:

TOP 40 Style POP SONGS Needed for $100,000 Placement

"Dear Passengers,

This is a particularly interesting opportunity for a couple of reasons: 1) It’s for $100,000 (and we double checked that), and 2) It’s not a typical placement, like you’d normally see in a regular TV show. Keep reading to get all the details!

CONTEMPORARY TOP 40-STYLE POP SONGS with some Urban Influence and Male or Female vocals are needed for a $100,000, NON-Exclusive, Direct-to-Show placement in a dance-driven Online Advertisement for a Global Automobile brand. We’ll tell you more about that in a minute – keep reading!

Please submit current-sounding, Mid-to-Up-Tempo Songs that would appeal to the fans of artists like Jason Derulo, Rihanna ft. Drake, Justin Timberlake, etc., etc., etc. Please listen to the references below to get yourself in the ballpark of what they’re looking for:

“If It Ain't Love” by Jason Derulo

“Work” by Rihanna ft. Drake

“Can’t Stop The Feeling” by Justin Timberlake

Note: They are NOT looking for clones of these songs! They’re just looking for material that sounds like it would be on the same chart as these songs (and others like them), and are really, really strong!

Please submit super-catchy, well-structured, Top 40-style Pop songs with a little Urban influence, infectious melodies, rock solid verses, and a hook-driven chorus that sounds like a mainstream hit the minute you hear it. Your vocals should be competitive, with a current-sounding, upbeat delivery that’s instantly engaging and very modern.

Typical, contemporary, Top 40-style lyric themes that sound like what you’d hear today’s charts are needed. Try to avoid references to specific names, dates, times, places, brands and profanity if you’d like to increase your chances of getting your song used! Polished production and a fresh, super-danceable beat are needed, as this may be used by a big-time choreographer for developing the dance moves used in the video.

TAXI Tip: This isn’t for a typical placement. This is going to be used in a promotional video for a global auto brand that appeals to hip, young people. This video will not be like a typical commercial. Nor will it be like a typical TV show! Think of it as sort of a branded hybrid of a TV show and a commercial, and it will air online to a huge audience of tens of millions of people. The company producing this is quite expert at this sort of thing, so it’s not experimental. It’s the real deal! We specifically asked if the $100,000 fee was only if a song was licensed from a “star,” and a lower amount would be paid to an independent artist, and the answer we got was, “No, 100K is the budget.”

Please do NOT copy or rip off the referenced artists in any way, shape, or form. Use them as a general guide for tempo, tone, and overall vibe. Broadcast Quality is needed (great sounding home recordings are fine).

The estimated license fee is $100,000, depending on the ultimate placement. You must own or control 100% of the Master and Composition rights. Broadcast Quality is needed (great sounding home recordings are fine). Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, Include Lyrics. All submissions must be received no later than 11:59PM (PST), on Tuesday, December 13th, 2016. TAXI #U161213CS "

Re: TOP40 Style POP SONG for $100,000 Placement! COLLAB WITH

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 12:19 am
by FredrikPark
Update 2:
We now have competitive lyrics, and my singer can sing on it.
Regretly, he might not be able to commit as much to vocal melody this time. Not sure.

This means, you'd need to have a more or less finished song and recorded / programmed tracks to go with it,
(unless you can help me find the missing part for this from another collaborator.)

So we still need chord progression AND the majority of a fully produced backing track with close to radio ready quality. I haven't even started with that. Will let you know if I could find a pro mastering guy who could do it swiftly.

My singer might be able to write vocal melody, or maybe you already have pro raw vocals recorded for it, that I could edit/mix.

I also could add things of my own, like piano, drums or synths etc. to a certain extent.
But there isn't enough time for me to compose, arrange, record and mix-master on my own.

So if you got a radio ready backing track, let me know ASAP.

Or let me know if you have any other late-stage project that needs polish or additional instruments/sound FX.
This also goes for future competitive song projects of yours.

Thanks for your time! It's 08.18 am. here in Sweden when I post this reply.

Re: TOP40 Style POP SONG for $100,000 Placement! COLLAB WITH

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 7:33 am
by NaeDae
I'm a singer songwriter! Dm me!

Re: TOP40 Style POP SONG for $100,000 Placement! COLLAB WITH

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 10:05 am
by FredrikPark
Thanks a lot for the interest in this project attempt, and my skillsets, Nate!

We got lyrics, another pro level singer with good enough mic setup,
We still have no vocal melody (which however either you or him could probably achieve in a day),

but we still would need someone with the major part of a well-produced instrumental track.
PM sent.