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Veteran vocal coach/producer is coming to NY for 2

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:53 pm
by urikabiri
Hi, my name is Uri, and I'm coming to NY in November, for 2 weeks only.If you're a singer, recording either a demo, a single or an album, and you need vocal coaching in the studio, or prior to it, you might wanna use my extensive experience in vocal coaching and vocal production. I'll teach you how to express any emotion you vision in your final vocal track, I'll work with you till you're ready for the studio or till the final vocal is recorded, including awesome backing vocals.I'll compose the backing vocals myself, (i.e. teach the backing vocalists what to sing, and where in the song). I'll create the needed dynamics, contrast and help you create what I call the "explosive vocal track" (i.e. the listener can't help notice that the vocalists, main and backing, all gave their whole talent and emotion, which isn't only true to hard rock or ballads).Since I'm just visiting NY, I don't have a studio here, so I'll come to your homes/studios to work with you, or you could come to me to rehears.Please contact me if this is something which may interest you.My e-mail is bigi3@013.netPeace,Uri