Help Me Sound Like Ludovico Einaudi TAXI #S220914HF

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Help Me Sound Like Ludovico Einaudi TAXI #S220914HF

Post by bmoBauhaus » Mon Sep 12, 2022 2:32 pm

Hi there,

Any tips to get my libraries to sound more rich and full bodied? I was hoping to submit to this but more importantly, I would love to know how to get my tracks to sound like the examples posted in the listing. Right off the bat I know I need to come up with a more interesting top line in the violin, but even still I would love it if the violins didn't sound so thin. I also know that content-wise I need a contrasting section but haven't gotten around to it. Was hoping to solve mixing issues today/tomorrow morning. I would love to hear your comments. Thanks in advance! ... audi-track

EMOTIONAL, HEARTFELT "LUDOVICO EINAUDI"-Style INSTRUMENTALS are needed by a very successful EXCLUSIVE Music Licensing Company with a long history of AWESOME placements for TAXI members!

This Company is searching for emotionally moving Instrumentals in the general wheelhouse of the following references we got directly from them:

"Life" by Ludovico Einaudi

"Nuvole Bianche" by Ludovico Einaudi

"Primavera" by Ludovico Einaudi

Please send well-composed Instrumentals with an overall emotional and heartfelt sound and feel that's generally similar to pieces by Ludovico Einaudi. Your submissions should have captivating melodies, top-notch musicianship, and excellent arrangements that pull at listener's heartstrings. Piano-based instrumentation in the general style of the references will work best for this request. Craft your pieces around a central motif, and create a sense of movement and dynamics by layering instruments in and out as they progress – taking the listeners on an emotional journey will be key to nailing this request. Please be sure your production is polished and if you choose to use any virtual sounds or instruments, please be sure they are high-quality and sound like the real thing.

All submissions should be around two to four minutes in length, give or take. Non-faded, buttoned/stinger endings will work best. Please do not copy the referenced music in any way, shape, or form. Use it only as a general guide for tempo, tone, texture, and overall vibe. Broadcast Quality is needed.

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Re: Help Me Sound Like Ludovico Einaudi TAXI #S220914HF

Post by cosmicdolphin » Mon Sep 12, 2022 4:49 pm

Arrangement & layering

For example in the first ref track there's a low piano outlining the chords giving us a sense of depth and setting the listener expectation for where the bottom of the track is.

Having some low end underpinning everything makes the other instruments sound like they have more thickness as it tricks our brain into filling in the missing information.

Your violin will sound thin if it's just playing alone in a high register. What about if you layer another one but an octave lower and blend them together so the lower one supports higher one without necessarily sounding too obvious?

How about layering other instruments with each other so they sound thicker and fuller?

What instruments can you pair together to sound richer without necessarily sounding like two distinct it instruments?

Have you tried using saturation to add harmonic distortion, it can make things sound richer and more present.

Also don't follow the oft quoted internet advice of high pass filtering everything in your mix unless you really know what you're doing or you can easily end up with a thin sounding mix.


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Re: Help Me Sound Like Ludovico Einaudi TAXI #S220914HF

Post by bmoBauhaus » Mon Sep 12, 2022 5:50 pm

Thanks, this is all super useful!

I also realized I used a little too much compression - I had soloing each track and adding compression but heard recently its better to add within the context of the entire mix. I'll play around with all of this tonight. Thanks again!

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Re: Help Me Sound Like Ludovico Einaudi TAXI #S220914HF

Post by bmoBauhaus » Mon Sep 12, 2022 8:16 pm


I added some layering - didn't add the saturation yet. A lot of problems are solved but I still feel like it can be even huger. I think sense a bit of cliping/distortion from the top as well. I am wondering if there are clever ways of fixing it.
Any comments always appreciated. ... inaudi-mix

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Re: Help Me Sound Like Ludovico Einaudi TAXI #S220914HF

Post by cosmicdolphin » Mon Sep 12, 2022 11:50 pm

I think that's sounding fuller and more professional now.

I like it more I've the basses come in about halfway and you could try giving us that sense of scale from the outset by using a low pad as a pedal tone which might also add some some subtle colour and texture.

I think possibly a darker piano sound may work for your main part there, it's feels like the sound you have now is not quite serious enough for the track.

If you want a quick way to make it sound bigger and more spacious get the demo of StageOne by Leaping and try one of the mastering presets .


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