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The Ten Commandments of Sync On This Week's TAXI TV

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 10:58 am
by TAXIstaff
The Ten Commandments of Sync On This Week's TAXI TV

Broadcasting Live 3 Hours Earlier This Week!

Click the link below to watch Monday at 1 pm Pacific

4pm Eastern (EDT) / 2pm Central (CDT) / 1pm Pacific (PDT) 9pm London (BST) / 6am Sydney (AEDT)

Dear Songwriters, Composers, and Artists,

While these Ten Commandments aren't nearly as impressive as the real thing, we think they could have a powerful impact on your life as a musician who's trying to earn a nice income from TV, Film, and Commercial placements!

Will Michael be reading the Commandments from stone tablets or his phone? You'll just have tune in to find out! Live Q&A will follow, so get your questions ready!

Click the link below to watch Monday at 1 pm Pacific

To Join the Live Chat During the Broadcast…
You’ll need to be signed up to YouTube (FREE) and be logged in to be able to join in on the chat during the show. Go to and click the "Sign In" link in the upper right-hand corner of the page and fill out the short form to join. If you have a Gmail account, you’ll be able to associate your YouTube account with it!

4pm Eastern (EDT) / 2pm Central (CDT) / 1pm Pacific (PDT) 9pm London (BST) / 6am Sydney (AEDT)

See you on the show,

Re: The Ten Commandments of Sync On This Week's TAXI TV

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 11:23 pm
by OwenGrech
Hopefully Stone tablets :D :D

Re: The Ten Commandments of Sync On This Week's TAXI TV

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 11:08 am
by Merryband1
Um, aren't these times from the previous TAXI TV sessions, where the show started at Noon Pacific? Because 1 PM Pacific time is 3 PM Central time; 2 PM Mountain time. I'm not sure about London and Sydney, but Eastern looks right. Just don't want any of us in Central to show up an hour early... although given how I tend to get occupied doing other things, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea... :lol:


"4pm Eastern (EDT) / 2pm Central (CDT) / 1pm Pacific (PDT) 9pm London (BST) / 6am Sydney (AEDT)"

Re: The Ten Commandments of Sync On This Week's TAXI TV

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 4:45 pm
by Paulie
This is just temporary because Michael is in Israel. As soon as he gets home the times should resume their normal status.

Re: The Ten Commandments of Sync On This Week's TAXI TV

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 12:11 am
by cosmicdolphin
Here's mine

1. Though Shalt Not Suck ( i.e. learn to play's called MUSIC licensing for a reason)
2. Though Shalt Not Steal ( just borrow and make it your own )
3. Though Shalt not Worship False Publishers ( i.e. no pay to play )
4. Honour Thy End User ( you are not writing the music for yourelf, you are fulfilling a need )
5. Know Thy Place ( the universe owes you nothing - you get out what you put in )
6. Remember the Sabbath ( and use it to write music instead of gaming or Netflix )
7. Do Not Take The Screeners Name In Vain ( they know their stuff )
8. Thou Shalt Not Lie ( Don't try to pass off others work as your own. Co-writes - WFH etc )
9. Thou Shalt Keep Learning ( or get left behind )
10.Though Shalt Act Professionally ( professionalism an attitude in all aspects from technical to creative)

Re: The Ten Commandments of Sync On This Week's TAXI TV

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 5:21 pm
by Susanstunes
Those are excellent, Cosmic Dolphin!!


Re: The Ten Commandments of Sync On This Week's TAXI TV

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 1:00 pm
by Paulie
Here is the list from the Taxi TV episode:

The Ten Commandments of Writing Music For Sync
Michael Laskow

1) Thou shalt understand the purpose of creating music for sync is not to create a hit song but instead to create music that supports or amplifies a mood or scene.
2) Thou shall try to define the emotion, mood or type of scene a piece of music is intended for before starting to create it.
3) Thou shall watch a lot of tv and look for scenes and shows that use music in your wheelhouse.
4) Thou shall pick a piece of music from a show and challenge yourself to create a similar piece of music in the next 48 hours.
5) Thou shall check the piece while in progress to make sure you are staying true to your mission
6) Thou shall make it a regular practice to review the Taxi Forwards blog and the Forwards section of the Taxi Forums.
7) Thou shall resolve to develop realistic expectations and embrace the fact that earning money in music licensing is a marathon and not a sprint.
8) Thou shall make it a non negotiable practice to read all Taxi listings at least twice to fully absorb all of the details that can make the difference between success and failure for your pitch.
9) Thou shall learn to value criticism over validation.
10) Thou shall treat the production of sync music as a creative job that needs structure in the music itself and in your work habits.
11) Thou shall learn how to use a DAW and produce your own music.
12) Thous shall read these four books:
⁃ Demystifying the Cue - Dean Krippaehne
⁃ Demystifying the Genre - Dean Krippaehne
⁃ Writing Production for TV - Steve Barden
⁃ Shortcuts To Songwriting for Film & TV - Robyn Frederick