Muzak - Same listing party

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Muzak - Same listing party

Post by lowden2000 » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:55 am

Hey Guys,

I submitted a couple of Latin/Flamenco tracks to this listing:

LATIN INSTRUMENTALS are wanted by a Music Publisher for placement in Muzak-type applications (shops, restaurants, malls, etc.) as well as film and TV placements. He's signed and placed many TAXI songs in the past. He wants authentic sounding original pieces (performances should sound as if they're recorded by live musicians) in all Latin styles: Salsa, Mambo, Flamenco, Cuban, Pop, etc. Mid to Uptempos are preferred. .............

Now, I am contemplating to submit one of the same tracks (Flamenco) to this current listing:
WORLD INSTRUMENTALS of all styles are wanted by a Music Publisher for placement in Muzak-type applications (shops, restaurants, malls, etc.) as well as film and TV placements. He's signed and placed many TAXI songs in the past. He is very open to hearing different varieties of World style instrumentals but asks to please make sure that the instrumentation sounds authentic to the region and style of the composition that you are submitting! ...............

This is the same listing agent, right? So it's pointless to submit one of the same (previously submitted) tracks to this listing?
At times TAXI will state something like "If you submitted to Listing XXXXXXX, please submit different tracks to this one", but here it's not stated.
What are your thoughts?
Thanks so much!


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Re: Muzak - Same listing party

Post by bigbluebarry » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:18 am

Hey Dirk,

I would think that it's the same company for both listings. I wouldn't submit the same songs to the second listing that you submitted for the first one. Not because it's the same company, but because it's a different listing. Seeing as he already ran a listing that was specifically looking for Latin style tracks, I would think that for the World listing, you would want to submit something other than Latin. Just my $0.02.

Typically, when they mention "If you previously submitted to listing xxxxxx, please submit different tracks..." it's usually because the first listing was a dispatch listing. The client had a pressing need to get the tracks sooner. Then they decided to run a "normal" listing afterward, but looking for the same type of tracks, so submitting the same tracks to that one would definitely be a waste.

- Big Blue
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Re: Muzak - Same listing party

Post by lowden2000 » Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:19 pm

Ah, thanks!
Really helpful, especially the 411 about the Dispatch listings and same listing parties. :idea:
Thank you so much!


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