Appreciate reviews for a new song

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Re: Appreciate reviews for a new song

Post by jessc » Sat Dec 03, 2005 6:17 am

OK. I am going with Beck as the possible sound alike (maybe). I think a rock category. My dad (my producer/engineer on my demo with pro-tools and a Radar) does a bunch of reviews with me/for me on Garage Band and your sound is so much better than 90% of them! "So Long..." really liked the lyrics and the imagery. Interesting comments on the auto tune thingy. Yup - - Lots of people out there sound like Cher now! My dad just makes me re-record everything I screw up on. Auto-tune sounds really weird/bad on country/country rock which is what I am. Shania's stuff is really auto tuned now.Nice to meet you!

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Re: Appreciate reviews for a new song

Post by 53mph » Sun Dec 04, 2005 1:33 am

Hi Jess,Thanks for listening.I think you probably heard the version I just re-uploaded with some correction to the mixing.After Steve told me it sounded like there were some frequencies disrupting the mix, I went back to it and found the Choir sound from East West was doing funny things to my multi-tracked voice. So I seperated them in the mix and it seems to have solved that problem.I used to belong to Garageband but got fed up with the quality of the stuff on there. Broadjam is better, but sometimes there are the same problems.It fells like some people are using it just to show case some really bad demos but they never seem to rework them after criticism. I once heard a demo where the instruments were out of tune and the whole production sucked. The lead guitar was in a different key to the other instruments so the lead line was painful to hear. I left my crit saying as much but 6 months later I heard the same demo again without any change. How can someone think to leave something in that state?This is what I like about being my own recording engineer. I can go back to the masters at any point and fine tune my song. You're pretty lucky to have your Dad as an engineer. Learn from what he does because I had to stumble around making lots of mistakes before I got to any level of competence.Nice metting you too Phil

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Re: Appreciate reviews for a new song

Post by 53mph » Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:27 am

I'm hearing you on the Auto tuning. Pop music all sounds the same now since they invented the auto tuner. People even try to emulate it's wierd vibrato when they sing without it. Pretty soon pop music will sound like the robot from 'Forbidden Planet'.I personally find it hard to tell the difference between most female pop singers. If I'm just going by their voices alone, it could be anyone.

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Re: Appreciate reviews for a new song

Post by dimps » Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:29 am

53mph - bit late on this but I am listening to 'So long, Shalom' right now and I am enjoying it completely. When those drums kick in....goosebumps. I love the whole sound to this. Tis hard to catagorise but then it's good to be unique Well done and Good Luck!

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Re: Appreciate reviews for a new song

Post by 53mph » Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:40 am

Thanks for listening Dimps Thanks for the compliments. I'm returning to the UK this Christmas for the first time in 12 months. Where abouts in Wales are you from?My old flat mate was from Anglesey. He used to know Cerys Matthews (in passing).Every summer he'd go off mushroom picking in Anglesey and return with shopping bags full of the stuff.Now, if you said to an Italian you were going mushroom picking they would think your off to get Porcini (Ceps). In the UK we don't get mushrooms for their culinary properties

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Re: Appreciate reviews for a new song

Post by kugeran » Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:16 am

HiThe vocal seems a bit buried in the mix and to me the ambiance of the mix does not include the vocal.Great song, though.Keep up the good work!!!Jan Petter

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Re: Appreciate reviews for a new song

Post by serge » Sun Dec 25, 2005 10:35 am

Hello Philip !Overall I like "So long,Shalom"Good melody - it's catchy, original and has a seal of a real sadness . The hook itself is very mighty and memorable. Lyrics is excellent.Vocal deliverance is very good too.Maybe the structure is not a strong side of this song. But such things are very personal and depend mostly on genre or a mix. It's hard to classify this song. Maybe "World Fusion" or something like that IMHO . Though it has a strong electronic genre roots too ! The song has a distinct Eastern sounding. Really reminds some natural Jewish /Arab tunes or Sting's song "Desert Rose" not melodically ( the melody is original ) but with overall sounding. Any way I think that it's not an Alternative Rock.It can be good as a movie soundtrack for sure. Try it !This song have a great emotional response . It could touch a lot of categories of the listeners. Shortly - it's good for the market.Good work ! :)

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Appreciate reviews for a new remix

Post by swissivory » Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:22 am

Hi I just remixed a track for Immortal Technique *Viper Records* Please let me know your thoughts on the track: www.swissivory.comAlso I am looking for artists to collaborate with (Rnb Soul Hiphop, any urban Style

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