Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

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Re: Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

Post by bc » Wed Jul 26, 2006 6:27 am

Hi Matt. Been working with a Curb Records recording artist in Nashvegas. It's been a hoot.From a marketing standpoint, I think this tune "could possibly" be found in the same bin as Eagles. Tho I agree it leans toward alt country. Also: In fairness, I neglected to mention that in the strict context of the listing, I would not, could not, forward the song as is. The production isn't up to snuff by any stretch. Still, it's a nice country song that could benifit from some arraingement tweaks and radio ready production. best

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Re: Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

Post by horacejesse » Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:26 pm

Jeff,I did not find that song on your site. I would be interested to hear this one because I submitted to this listing also.What is your big concern with these guys? Don't you have your hands full trying to get your own stuff listened to?

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Re: Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

Post by horacejesse » Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:06 am

For anyone:Some of the music libraries allow you to shop your music elsewhere while they are working with it.They allow it, but what about the other side? If a major artist or his agent is interested in one of your songs, how do they feel when they learn that a music library is also working to get the song placed? Does that effectively kill the song's chances of being picked up by the major artist? Or does it have any affect?Should one withhold from libraries those songs that might be a good match for a big star?

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Re: Y060731RO Rodeo Songs – non-member submit????

Post by jeffchurchwell » Sat Aug 19, 2006 5:33 pm

Horace,Sorry to be so long in responding. I took the song off my Broadjam acct. when the Rodeo listing expired, and because it is NOT my song, and I didn't want to give casual browsers the impression that it was. It is not available as a download from the band's site, so I don't have a legitimate means of sharing it with you. You can, however, visit their site and choose to purchase their music that way, or search for them on download sites.I went out on this limb for complete strangers because the song itself was, in my view, perfect in and of itself, as well as perfect for the listing. Again, in my view. Not everyone who did listen agreed, and it's possible that my objectivity was overcome by my genuine affection for the song. Sadly, I have no way to get the bloody thing placed with the lister, so that opportunity is gone, if, in fact, it ever was an opportunity at all.Finally, I am an unabashed believer in karma, which is odd, because I am also an unabashed skeptic and cynic and disbeliever in anything that can't be proved empirically. Essentially, I have no God, and James Randi is his prophet (look him up). But karma, even if it is non-empirical, is a great life-strategy regardless. I was hoping to spread some karma to the Late Bloomers, and reap some for myself as well.That's it. Thanks for playing, everybody.Jeff

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