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Re: Yeehaw....

Post by sgs4u » Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:57 pm

Quote:Quote:On the other hand, why wouldn't a lawyer with Nashville connections be an advantage?Just asking...Sorry man, but it's hard for me to debate that point with you when that cute little boy pic is staring at me....brings out the protective mother response in me. I wasn't looking to debate at all, only to learn. You're doing something I hope to eventually do, remember? (selling songs)Did you prefer the bald goofy pic, or that fat guy playing hammond? And when will we get to see your purty face Chits?

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Re: Yeehaw....

Post by Casey H » Tue Sep 25, 2007 3:18 pm

Well, I could be all wet on this one especially as a Nashville outsider. I welcome thoughts from others. My gut feeling is that Nashville is a tight-nit world and there is a small chance that some Nashville music attorneys might be a little to close to some Nashville song pluggers. I'm probably being paranoid and as I said in my earlier post, could someone who knows the ways of Nashville be better suited for this? Could be... What really matters is that a qualified music attorney look over the contract and it is not REQUIRED that the person be from Nashville. Happy fixin' to do some pitchin', Chits... Casey

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Re: Yeehaw....

Post by jchitty » Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:11 am

Thanks, Vikki. Yes, I'll let you know how all this turns out. My biggest concern right now is the contract they sent you know by reading Jason Blume's books on songwriting, many reputable songpluggers will charge a small monthly retainer because they have transportation costs, entertainment of client cost, etc. (it's fairly managable) but it's their back end bonuses which are pretty scary looking. Assuming my songs even make it to that stage of getting a cut (it's still like a lightning strike to get a cut even with a plugger), their bonus scale makes me feel a bit overwhelmed. It's standard practice in Nashville to work for these kind of bonuses and collect them if a song does get a cut and Billboard play, but these are very high dollar figures. If anyone here has ever worked with a songplugger and they can add to the conversation about these types of bonuses, any info would be greatly appreciated. This is one area I'm really flying blind. I am going to call an attorney, but I find the people on this board are really helpful and smart when it comes to information. Casey has helped me as well. One thing I want to say, this is NOT a "I am quitting TAXI thread." I plan to stay a TAXI member, still keep submitting and working with them. I am only using this songplugger in conjuction with TAXI, that is, if I feel after pouring over their contract, it will be in my best interest to use them. If nothing else, maybe TAXI might permit this discussion because it will shed some light on the songplugging has its pros and cons as well. Steve, any of those pics is fine. One day I may post a pic, but for now, I'll remain a mystery. Thanks Allends....great banner.....yeah, this is exciting for me, but scary too. I am naive when it comes to contracts....never had one to think about, so I don't want to mess up on that end.

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Re: Yeehaw....

Post by dgolding » Wed Sep 26, 2007 2:58 am

Weyhey! WTG Can I get your autograph now? It sure is a great song, and I'm not even a country fan.Fingers crossed for you, hope it goes all the way.
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Re: Yeehaw....

Post by jchitty » Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:47 am

Quote:Weyhey! WTG Can I get your autograph now? It sure is a great song, and I'm not even a country fan.Fingers crossed for you, hope it goes all the way. Thanks, David....always appreciate your support.

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Re: Yeehaw....

Post by jchitty » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:14 am

Quote:Chits, you lil devil, you!! I'm always the last ta know!Waytago, girlfriend! I bet you're past the bust-the-buttons stage and into the "this looks about as long as a government contract and what do they mean by this term and that term? And how much will this really cost me?" phase. Ack!!I think Casey might have a point. You and I both know how the network is down heah. I'm so PROUD of you!!Aww, you're so sweet, Squid...I was gonna mail you but I'll figure we'll chat about it pretty soon anyway. Well, I did end up calling a Nashville attorney today.....but he was extremely professional and knowledgable.....I think I may go with him. I do take everyone's advice to heart, but this guy really seemed to look out for the songwriter's interests. The main reason I liked him is because he took the time to talk with me and answer questions. He wasn't pushy, just helpful. I did call a few more was based in Maryland, and the other was based in New York, and these people didn't even return calls or give me the time of day. So I like this guy. He works at a firm, and their website looks good. Plus, I think it might be important to establish a relationship with an attorney in Nashville anyway....since I tend to write country music a lot, and I might need his services in the future, who knows.

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Re: Yeehaw....

Post by squidlips » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:42 am

I'm all good with that. You want someone in your corner and that's a fact. Might as well be there as anywhere. Besides, all he's gonna do is peruse the legalese anyway. No need to lock horns with anyone, right? I wish you nothing but HUGE success, swee'pea. Can't wait for it to happen! I can leave annoying messages on your phone and have you ignore them!

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Re: Yeehaw....

Post by jchitty » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:57 am

Quote:I'm all good with that. You want someone in your corner and that's a fact. Might as well be there as anywhere. Besides, all he's gonna do is peruse the legalese anyway. No need to lock horns with anyone, right? I wish you nothing but HUGE success, swee'pea. Can't wait for it to happen! I can leave annoying messages on your phone and have you ignore them! LOL, you are the one with the HUGE talent here, girl. Hey, if I get messages from you, you know I'll return them promptly....I predict you'll be the successful one. Just because I have a songplugger interested...well, there are tons of people who have their songs plugged in Nashville, and they don't get a cut, but it's hard to get a plugger interested, so I'm glad I got in the door....I've tried this before, and many songpluggers won't take your stuff. I just have to determine if I can afford this. I am not a wealthy person, and I will have to use my credit card....go into debt again to hire the lawyer and the songplugger. I read on one site that mostly established songwriters who've had hits in the past hire pluggers because they can afford them, and also, they have more of a chance. This person will sit down in meetings and plug my stuff.Plus, I used to fuss about TAXI's critiques, but you know, they sort of turned me onto to some of the flaws in my work (actually ended up being a good thing) so I know these flaws, and while New Girl got a foward, the other two songs the plugger wants didn't get one. Those two songs did get good marks from the screeners though. It just worries me that when this person plugs them, the people listening to them will find the same flaws...oh well, maybe the plugger can talk people into rewrites, hehe. That being said, if I can't afford all this, or the contract is too scary, then I could fold.......I don't want to mortgage the house for this....those back end bonuses could be a problem. I'm not griping. Songpluggers deserve to be compensated for their's just that if a song didn't make much money after it all played out (I always think ahead) you still have to pay those bonuses, I believe.So this is not something to take lightly....anyway, I've typed a book here....thanks for all the info and comments....I'm gonna sign off for a while. Y'all have a good day.

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