What does it mean "Solo guitar instrumental track"?

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What does it mean "Solo guitar instrumental track"?

Post by mladendomic » Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:36 pm

Please, I need your oppinion.

This is the listing:

SOLO GUITAR and SOLO PIANO INSTRUMENTAL TRACKS are U-R-G-E-N-T-L-Y needed for a Compilation CD TAXI will be personally handing to a VERY BUSY MUSIC SUPERVISOR at our upcoming meeting with him. The Supervisor uses TONS of Instrumental Tracks that you’d often hear on some really big REALITY SHOWS. For this Compilation we’d like to feature SLOW, SOLO INSTRUMENTAL TRACKS, done on Gut or Nylon-String Acoustic Guitars, or Acoustic Piano. We’ll need tracks that are at LEAST 2 minutes long, and have buttoned endings – NO fades, please! Please submit tracks that sound emotionally ROMANTIC, INTROSEPCTIVE, or HOPEFUL. TAXI TIP: Do NOT try to show what a musical virtuoso you are, so much as creating melodies that create a mood and support an EMOTION! Keep it simple!!! Could your track be used in a scene where somebody is falling in love? Send it in! Could it support a close up shot of somebody who appears to be having an introspective moment? Send it in! Could it be used in a scene where somebody just solved his or her big problem of the day, and hope is on the horizon? Yeppers… send it in, because that’s what we need to show this Supervisor our members can do incredibly well! BUTTONED ENDINGS PREFERRED. Instrumental presentation must be top-notch, and your guitars and pianos should sound REAL! Broadcast Quality is needed (excellent sounding home recordings are fine). You must own 100% of your master and composition, and your submissions can NOT be in any other catalog or library. If the Supervisor hears anything on our compilation that he’d like to license, he’s only going to want to use material that will be easy to clear. Please submit one to three Instrumentals online or per CD. All submissions will be screened on a YES/NO BASIS – NO FULL CRITIQUES FROM TAXI - and must be received no later than THURSDAY, February 28th, 2013, at 5:30pm (PST). TAXI #U130228IN

I wonder if "Solo guitar" means just that: one nylon guitar and nothing else, or does it mean "main instrument". Should my piece be returned if I play two nylon guitars, or add a bit of bass guitar or even strings behind the nylon guitar?

Thank you.

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Re: What does it mean "Solo guitar instrumental track"?

Post by andygabrys » Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:42 pm

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