Question for Logic X users

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Question for Logic X users

Post by jonnybutter » Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:49 pm

Hi everybody,

Let me preface my question. I have used Logic off and on for many years, and have never liked it. I did like Creator and Notator on the Atari ST, but E magic's subsequent Logic always seemed over-engineered to me. I know the app very well, know how powerful it is - that's why I still use it. I just never liked it, for two reasons. 1.) I have always found it to be anti-intuitive, and 2.) it always seems to do something unexpected - like crash, file corrupted, or something - at the exact wrong moment. I have cursed its name in the heat of battle, deadlines looming, so many times that I feel it's a pattern, and not just operator error.

So, assuming my complaints resonate with anyone - does Logic X seem more modern, streamlined, less bloated, less over engineered - in a word, zippier? Or did they just add features on top of the old code base? I also am experimenting with Reaper (which I like) and Studio One (which i also like), but if Logic has been substantially improved in the sense of being modernized, I might give it one more try, since I know it so well, and it is indeed so powerful.

any thoughts?

thanks in advance

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Re: Question for Logic X users

Post by michael11 » Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:29 pm

Hi Jonny,

I will jump in although I can’t offer anything other than my own experience with Logic.

I started with Logic Express,upgraded to 7.2 then went from there to X.
No in between stages.

I was introduced to Logic by a very successful,writer,composer,performer( I was doing some session work for him) and I still vividly remember him saying to me,”Logic will do what you want it to do”.
He was and still is very very successful in TV and chart work (UK) and I decided, if it’s good enough for him,it should be OK for me!!!! :D

It does do all the negative things you talk about but the plusses far outweigh the minuses.

It is ridiculously cheap for what you get.
Unfortunately that wasn’t the case when I first started out but c’est la vie. :cry:
I have thought about changing but whenever I think that, the obvious question arises.

I think I am familiar with about 30/40% of it’s potential but in capable hands,it’s an awesome tool.

I am probably stating the obvious here but check out youtube,there are a ton of vids on X and you could probably make a decision based on them.


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Re: Question for Logic X users

Post by jonnybutter » Sat Apr 05, 2014 7:13 pm

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your response. What you and your mentor say is true: if you can think of it, Logic can do it. And, yes, it is an amazing value (although if you paid US $200 for Logic 9 and then another $200 for X, it's less so).

I was really just wondering if it's basically the same app underneath with new - admittedly cool, like Drummer - features, or whether it's more of a new app; I'm thinking of a difference like that between Final Cut Pro and FCP X. FCP X was really a new app. I always hoped Apple would do something similar with Logic. I get the feeling they haven't done that, but I'm not sure, hence my question.



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Re: Question for Logic X users

Post by michael11 » Sat Apr 05, 2014 10:40 pm

Hi Jon.

RE the cost,I paid the equivalent of $1400 to get from Express to Logic Pro 7.2.

Prices are stupid over here (UK) the taxes are ridiculous.
I envy the prices my American friends can get stuff at.

There are a couple of very experienced and talented Logic users around here so hopefully they can answer your original questions.

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Re: Question for Logic X users

Post by kclements » Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:38 am

Hello Jon -

I have been using Logic since Vs. 6. I switched from Digital Performer 4 to Logic 6. I really liked DP (and used it for years). The reason I switched was at the time, DP hadn't moved to OSX, and I had. There were no indications that DP was going to make the jump to OSX, so I went to Logic.

But, right from the start, I found Logic fit the way I like to work. I don't find it any of the things you mention. For sure, it can be quirky, and there are some things I used to pine for from DP. But the new version really rocks, in my opinion. Does it crash - occasionally. But the new Autosave function works so well that when it does go down, I reboot, and I get right back to work where I left off. The crashes are very few and far between. I think in all the years I've been using it, I have had one corrupted file. And I went to a backup and lost very little work.

As far as intuitive, I think that is a personal taste thing. There are a couple things that seem, like I said, quirky. But I have been using it so long that I just know my way around it. Track Stacks, Drummer, the new look, Autosave, Versions, share to soundcloud -these are some of my favorite new features. Not to mention all the included content - you can't really beat the included plugs and instruments.

But, I think it is really important to enjoy using your software - especially when trying to be creative. If you are not happy and fighting your software, it will surely stifle your output. If the software isn't working the way you think it should, I think its time to look around. There are a lot of programs that offer demo versions - try them out. Reaper, Studio One, Cubase, Digital Performer - I think these all have demo versions. Spend some time and look at them and see if one of them is more "logical" in your mind.

Also, if there is an Apple store nearby, go check out the new Logic. You can spend some time in the store with it and see how it feels to you.

But in the end, software should get out of our way and let us get our work done - and we should enjoy the process. For me, Logic does this and more. If Logic isn't doing that for you - time to change

Just my 2 cents.

Last edited by kclements on Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Question for Logic X users

Post by michael11 » Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:53 am

kclements wrote:Hello Michael -

I have been using Logic since Vs. 6. I switched from Digital Performer 4 to Logic 6. I really liked DP (and used it for years). The reason I switched was at the time, DP hadn't moved to OSX, and I had. There were no indications that DP was going to make the jump to OSX, so I went to Logic.

But, right from the start, I found Logic fit the way I like to work. I don't find it any of the things you mention. For sure, it can be quirky, and there are some things I used to pine for from DP. But the new version really rocks, in my opinion. Does it crash - occasionally. But the new Autosave function works so well that when it does go down, I reboot, and I get right back to work where I left off. The crashes are very few and far between. I think in all the years I've been using it, I have had one corrupted file. And I went to a backup and lost very little work.

As far as intuitive, I think that is a personal taste thing. There are a couple things that seem, like I said, quirky. But I have been using it so long that I just know my way around it. Track Stacks, Drummer, the new look, Autosave, Versions, share to soundcloud -these are some of my favorite new features. Not to mention all the included content - you can't really beat the included plugs and instruments.

But, I think it is really important to enjoy using your software - especially when trying to be creative. If you are not happy and fighting your software, it will surely stifle your output. If the software isn't working the way you think it should, I think its time to look around. There are a lot of programs that offer demo versions - try them out. Reaper, Studio One, Cubase, Digital Performer - I think these all have demo versions. Spend some time and look at them and see if one of them is more "logical" in your mind.

Also, if there is an Apple store nearby, go check out the new Logic. You can spend some time in the store with it and see how it feels to you.

But in the end, software should get out of our way and let us get our work done - and we should enjoy the process. For me, Logic does this and more. If Logic isn't doing that for you - time to change

Just my 2 cents.


Hi Kayle,

I think you might be mistaking me for Jon.

I think Logic is fab and the autosave has got me out of trouble on numerous occasions.

I should point out I'm running on 4gig ram!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

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Re: Question for Logic X users

Post by jonnybutter » Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:56 am

Oh my god! Yes, we are pretty spoiled over here in that respect.

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Re: Question for Logic X users

Post by jonnybutter » Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:16 am

Hey Kayle,

Thanks very much for your take. I can't disagree with anything you say. Particularly: the plugs you get with Logic are amazing, especially for the price (excluding VAT, et. al.!). It just seems that I am always fighting the software in some subtle way. Small problem in the scheme of things.

I will try to get a demo of X and see how it feels. My first full featured sequencer was Vision (and then Studio Vision) so that is sort of my ideal I guess. I also used DP for many years but switched to, I think it was, E Magic Logic 'Gold'. Meh.

thanks you guys


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Re: Question for Logic X users

Post by kclements » Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:41 am

Ah, so sorry Michael - I wasn't necessarily confused, but I wasn't not-confused either :oops:
I shall go back and edit my post so as not too look completely silly.

So, Jon -

I have gone back and forth quite a bit about switching DAWs. When DP 8 came out a while back (before LPX) I downloaded the demo and gave it a spin. Same for Reaper and Studio One. But I realized while the grass may seem greener in other DAWs, I am still really happy with Logic. It does everything I want it to do, and I get the, um, er, logic of it all. But I would certainly jump to another DAW if I didn't like the way Logic works or dreaded working in it, even a little bit. Sure there are some things I would like to see changed - like arranging the mixer window channels. But overall, Logic and I get along very well.

I don't think Apple provides a demo of Logic - but they do have it in the stores. Good luck. I don't think there is any harm in downloading some of the other DAWs and see how they work. May either give you a reason to jump, or solidify your reasons to stick with Logic.

cheers -
kayle clements

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Re: Question for Logic X users

Post by michael11 » Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:47 am

kclements wrote:Ah, so sorry Michael - I wasn't necessarily confused, but I wasn't not-confused either :oops:
I shall go back and edit my post so as not too look completely silly.

So, Jon -

I have gone back and forth quite a bit about switching DAWs. When DP 8 came out a while back (before LPX) I downloaded the demo and gave it a spin. Same for Reaper and Studio One. But I realized while the grass may seem greener in other DAWs, I am still really happy with Logic. It does everything I want it to do, and I get the, um, er, logic of it all. But I would certainly jump to another DAW if I didn't like the way Logic works or dreaded working in it, even a little bit. Sure there are some things I would like to see changed - like arranging the mixer window channels. But overall, Logic and I get along very well.

I don't think Apple provides a demo of Logic - but they do have it in the stores. Good luck. I don't think there is any harm in downloading some of the other DAWs and see how they work. May either give you a reason to jump, or solidify your reasons to stick with Logic.

cheers -
Hi Kayle,

What you won't know,well you do now, :D is I used your method of grouping tracks today and it worked perfectly!!!

So thank you,

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