Rock Songwriter Looking to Collab w/ SINGER/Songwriter(s)

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Rock Songwriter Looking to Collab w/ SINGER/Songwriter(s)

Post by Killersongz » Wed Sep 02, 2015 2:43 pm

Hello fellow songsmiths!

My name is Ron and I am new to TAXI. I figured I would start off by asking if there are any SINGER/SONGWRITERS who would be down for collaborating with me on any number of my song "ideas"?

Although I feel I am pretty good at coming up with vocal melodies, I am HORRIBLE at writing lyrics!!! They always sound like a bad Dr. Seuss rhyme. :shock:

I have over 100+ ideas and try to write/record an idea every day. The reason I call them ideas is because they're generally semi-produced, 2 minute+ intro/verse/chorus/etc. sound clips. I've written enough in the past to know that things change. I am willing to change any/all of a song for the good. If it means scrapping an entire idea for a bridge riff, so be it. Nothing's written in stone at this point.

I know I really shouldn't limit myself but my strength is in rock songwriting. I've been told my ideas sound along the lines of Journey/Def Leppard/Foo Fighters which is odd because I really don't listen to those bands. What started out as a hobby has turned into an obsession and I'd really like to work with other professionals who share the same passion as I do. I'm in it for the long haul and have thick skin. I am open to suggestions, criticism, encouragement, you name it. I just want to be the best I can be and would love feedback as I move along in the process. My music can be heard here:

Thank you so much for reading this and I hope to hear from you soon!

Ron Williams
(330) 719-9662

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Re: Rock Songwriter Looking to Collab w/ SINGER/Songwriter(s

Post by patmac » Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:37 am

Hey Ron

I'm a lyricist and all I need is a basic rhythm and groove and I can put words to just about any style. What is your ultimate goal? always happy to put in and experiment.

How can I listen to some of your instrumentals?


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Re: Rock Songwriter Looking to Collab w/ SINGER/Songwriter(s

Post by Killersongz » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:24 pm

You absolutely may listen to my music here:

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Re: Rock Songwriter Looking to Collab w/ SINGER/Songwriter(s

Post by PENKSLYRICS » Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:52 pm

I'm a lyricist who can provide lyrics for music to be composed to. So if you can work that way, let me know and we can exchange ideas.

Cheers, Roger

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Re: Rock Songwriter Looking to Collab w/ SINGER/Songwriter(s

Post by IngridElkner » Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:44 pm

Hi Ron,

Your stuff sounds great! Oh how lovely it is to hear non-Midi guitars... I especially dig the more modern, Foo-like tracks.

My name is Ingrid and I'm a songwriter and singer from Melbourne, Australia. I'm also a screenwriter, with diplomas in writing & editing and screenwriting.
I've written lyrics and toplines for other artists quite a few times, and I enjoy the challenge. I think one of my favourite parts is when I stop thinking in words and lock onto a story to tell that the music feels like the perfect vehicle for.

This is a link to my old acoustic duo where I used to topline the songs my guitarist sent me:

This is a link to my more recent music. The fragments only have filler lyrics though, so they're not to be viewed as finished beasts! They're more to give you a sense of... me... I guess:

If you'd like to discuss collaboration, email me:



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