Please help me learn how to network before November

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Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by artturner » Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:04 am


I feel like I really do not network with others well at all. In my current situation, I rarely interact one-on-one with people in the real world. But I want the upcoming Rally (my first!) to be a positive experience that moves my music career forward in a big way.

Right now, here's how I imagine things will go:

Me: "Hi, my name is Art and I write instrumental cues. Here's my CD.
[awkward silence ensues]

Can any of you offer tips on how to make the interactions with supervisors and library owners turn into relationships/partnerships?

This is my first year with Taxi. I've had 30 forwards since the end of March (about 60% forward rate), but no contacts or deals.


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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by cassmcentee » Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:41 am

Hey Art! I hear ya...
The Music Biz people are well aware that they will get loaded down with tons of CDs
and that they will be peppered with questions for as long as they are in the building.
It has to be quite daunting if you ask me...

To begin relationships in all walks of life the emphasis should be on you asking questions and getting to know who you are talking to.
Most everyone would rather talk about themselves than listen to who they are talking to...
I learned this lesson from my South American friends who, when in the States, didn't ever seem to say much.
When asked why, the answer was "Everyone interrupts"
My friends would always let someone finish their thought and pause before answering...
I've tried really hard to put that into practice when I meet new people.

It shows that there is a sincerety to the conversation

Now, once you get to know who the person is, the next question is "What are they looking for?"
They might not be any where near your genre!!!
But, if they are....
Then you might be able to direct them to a specific track, your best one, and get the dialogue moving forward...

Just a quick thought...
My first Rally was spent mostly in the classes and conversing with fellow Forum members
Really just trying to absorb all that was going on
Trust me, the first one is a bit overwhelming.... both inspiring and daunting This will be my fourth, so much to learn!
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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by Len911 » Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:29 am

Well Art, you could practice where you are. Just walk up to strangers and say, "Hello, my name is Art, how are you?" And they will be thinking, "what is this guy trying to sell me?". There, that's all there is to it. :lol:

If you go to a dog show, hopefully you go because you wish to share your interest in dogs, not just to sell puppies. :o

I'm sure there is the assumption that every musician who attends has material. So unless someone asks, why be pushy?
Can any of you offer tips on how to make the interactions with supervisors and library owners turn into relationships/partnerships?
I wouldn't overlook interacting with the members, many probably already have relationships with them, isn't that what networking is really about?
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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by hummingbird » Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:23 am

IMO your efforts at networking should not be entirely in relationship to music publishers, supervisors or library reps. Yes, they are at the Rally but you'll find when a panel is over a crowd of people surges forth to try to get their CD to the chosen recipient. I often wonder, while the panelists and others gracefully take what is thrust at them, how they get them all home, and if they actually listen to them later. Perhaps they do.

I am terribly shy but at the Rally, I do this: when I am in line-up, or in a class or at the ballroom waiting for something to start, I ask a person to me, where they are from. How are they involved in music. How they are enjoying the Rally/LA. Tell them it's my first/6th/10th time. Ask if they are going to / have been to mentor lunch. What classes they have gone to / plan to see. In all of this, you should find some more questions to ask about their lives and their art. At the end after having a nice chat about them, you might ask them for their card or their CD. And then, if it's appropriate, you might offer yours.

I once chatted with some people at a Starbucks line-up about where we were from and how we liked the Rally so far and the LA weather, pets, family... at the end I got my coffee and was handed a business card, a music publisher. We had not talked about music, we just chatted.

Another time I was chatting with a music publisher who'd been on a couple panels and had a sore throat. I went and got myself a tea, and him one too, with some honey in it. We talked some more about family and where we were from and travelling etc. Much much later, like months later, I happened to write him directly to ask if I could submit something for consideration. He wrote back and said, "I remember you! Of course, I'd like to hear what you have."

See what I mean? Make it your goal to create a relationship. Ask not what they can do for you. Just connect.
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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by cassmcentee » Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:32 pm

+1 Vikki :D
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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by hummingbird » Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:49 pm

I forgot, have your elevator pitch ready and practiced so if you are asked what you do, you can say it clearly and distinctly without stumbling.

"So, Vikki, what do you do?"

'Well, I'm working on writing for film and tv, I've had a few placements, I kinda do anything suspenseful or quirky. Ahh, here just listen to my CD. I can do a lot of things."

**buzzer** uh oh

"So, Vikki, what do you do?"

'Me? Thanks for asking. I'm a singing teacher. I specialize in helping those who have always wanted to sing, but felt too intimidated to try. I love showing the shy and terrified that they actually do have a voice.'

"Wow that sounds interesting... I've always wanted to sing myself but can't hold a tune..."

Smiles and launches into a discussion....

Much later, if there's an opening... "I also compose music for film and television, quirky, tension, orchestral hybrid. I've really enjoyed talking with you. May I give you my card?" (And hopefully, they might say yes and offer theirs but if not, that's ok... just smile and move on.)

[If you get their card, write on the back of it when/where you met them and a note about what you spoke about. Or keep track in a notebook. This info might be helpful in future.]
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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by kclements » Thu Jul 28, 2016 1:31 pm

Hey Art -

I would echo a lot of what Vikki said. I would also add your first Rally can (and most likely will) be overwhelming. I know mine was. And I am generally a keep to myself kind of guy. When I went to my first Rally years ago, I decided I was going to put myself out there and meet people.

my advice -

1- be yourself. If you start from a place of genuinely wanting to meet people and start a relationship you can do little wrong. But, it's important not to go into it as "what can you do for me" kind of attitude. Simply get to know people.

2- don't hand out CDs. This may go against the grain for many, but for me personally, I'm more interested getting to know someone. The CD stuff can come later. Plus, it really helped me focus less on "what can they do for me" and more on just getting comfortable networking and getting out of my comfort zone. Put CD's in the boxes for Panels, and One-on-ones, absolutely. But when being social, just be social. If they ask, you can always give them one.

3 - Don't try and do too much all at one time. There is a TON of stuff going on all the time. Pick a few things that excite you (classes, mentors, lunches...) and allow time to just sit and catch you breath.

Everyone there is either feeling the same as you (nervous about networking) or did at one time. We all get it. Just be friendly and yourself. Let friendships build organically and have fun. Learn as much as you can. The rest kind of takes care of itself.

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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by andygabrys » Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:11 pm


I agree with the things Vikki Cass and Kayle said.

There is a notion (self-imposed often) that being at a networking event means you basically have to do speed dating and hand out 300 cards and 100 CDs and come away with 5 new red-hot deals otherwise you are a LOSER.

The flip side of that is: "People like to do business with friends". Good connections general come from more than one interaction, and this will take time. In some ways an up and coming composer feels a LACK OF TIME like I need to EAT, therefore I need this GIG. Which usually comes across as fairly desperate.

So holster the cards. Reserve them for after you have spoken to someone and know what they do. Its natural at that point.

Instead of bringing CD's make a private soundcloud link that has 5 of your best tracks.

When you actually make a connection with someone follow up by email, let them know what you have to offer. Temper what you have to offer by tailoring it to their particular needs and interests. Business cards that you can actually write on (i.e. not plasticized) are really handy for this as you can chat, exchange cards, and then write something down about your new connection. If you don't do anything that could be helpful to them and you are not really sure what they do, then its okay to just have a nice conversation as well.

Make an effort to get to know something about who you are talking to, figure out what they do besides obsessively work on music. If all they do is obsessively work on music, find out what aspect they are involved in.

This goes for not only people who are library owners and publishers, and music supervisors, but also other composers, and even guests of TAXI members.

You can do this by thinking of FORM

Message (i.e. what you think you can offer them and vice-versa what you think they have that interests you)

if any of this freaks you out, there are things like Toastmasters, BNI etc that allow you to meet and speak to people and be comfortable with a 30 second elevator pitch, and even before you get to that, just a "Hi my Name is Andy". Or Art.....

Just a perspective :)

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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by andygabrys » Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:13 pm

kclements wrote:Don't try and do too much all at one time. There is a TON of stuff going on all the time. Pick a few things that excite you (classes, mentors, lunches...) and allow time to just sit and catch you breath.
This is golden. Some of the best conversations come when you sit in the lounge and have a bite to eat, maybe play hooky from a class and just be yourself with people.

Having a few laughs with people goes a long way.

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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by hummingbird » Thu Jul 28, 2016 3:42 pm

All good advice.

Seems like the maxim should be the 'ask not what they can do for you' hehe

In terms of the Rally I also suggest printing out the class and ballroom schedule and pre-planning what you want to do most. Know your own bio-rythms. The lobby/bar area is filled with people all times of day (and night), it can be noisy and overwhelming. Plan some free space for yourself to sit by the pool or have a break in your room to recharge your batteries. Also, because of all the wonderful people you meet from the forum etc you find yourself talking more than you ever do, over a large volume of noise, and so I've experienced vocal fatigue. Stay hydrated and try to get some sleep

Also, if you plan to attend one or more mentor lunches, make up a list of questions so if you get the chance to ask one you are prepared. Have your elevator pitch ready so you can introduce yourself to the mentors and your tablemates.

And, if you are going for a mentor apt also know why you are there and what you want to know from that mentor. Plan what you might play for them and why. Aim to learn.

It can feel a bit daunting, but I guarantee you, the Rally is amazingly inspiring. It's so great to spend 3 days with a thousand other folks who love music.
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