Please help me learn how to network before November

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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by Paulie » Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:09 pm

I once chatted with some people at a Starbucks line-up about where we were from and how we liked the Rally so far and the LA weather, pets, family... at the end I got my coffee and was handed a business card, a music publisher. We had not talked about music, we just chatted.

Another time I was chatting with a music publisher who'd been on a couple panels and had a sore throat. I went and got myself a tea, and him one too, with some honey in it. We talked some more about family and where we were from and travelling etc. Much much later, like months later, I happened to write him directly to ask if I could submit something for consideration. He wrote back and said, "I remember you! Of course, I'd like to hear what you have."

See what I mean? Make it your goal to create a relationship. Ask not what they can do for you. Just connect.
THIS x 1000% :D

I've worked multiple sales-related roles in the IT world the past 25 years or so and have had many great mentors. I've also had great mentors in the music world, and I've picked up some great Taxi mentors. Some axioms hold true no matter the business: "People buy from people they like." Even when you are not "selling" you are "selling." Strive to meet people, not to sell yourself. It will come in due time.

After going to my first rally last year I definitely agree with KC. For your first rally don't plan on passing out CDs. I did last year and it was a waste for a variety of reason. First, my music wasn't ready. Second, it's a cattle call and who knows if your CD will ever get listened to. However, have some handy in case you meet a decision maker that asks YOU for it instead of you asking THEM to take it. Also, have some CD's (that you've tested) if you want to submit music to listening panels.

The Starbucks anecdote is probably the best route. Just meet people, ask them where they are from, what panels they've seen or want to see, how long they've been working with Taxi, etc. Have an answer ready for "what do you do" or "what is your speciality" or "what's your niche/style". Keep it brief, don't try to impress folks with your first answer, just be honest.

The open area hotel bar is one of the best places to meet people, even if you don't drink. And, there are plenty of places to sit nearby if crowds are not your thing. I'm an extrovert but also an "includer" meaning that I often reach out to people that shy away from the crowds, I try to bring the shy folks into a group or help them feel welcomed.

First rally is overwhelming, yet so energizing. Most important (to me) is to figure out the best way to take notes and retain information. Some folks prefer pencil and pad, others type on laptops or tablets. You will hear a lot, so be ready to digest as much as you can.

Looking forward to meeting you!

Paul "yo paulie!" Croteau
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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by cassmcentee » Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:46 am

just pondering....
Remember your first day as a Freshman in High School/College???
Seeking out the other Freshmen is a good thing!
Same questions, same nerves, similiar class scedules....
You will see many people bunched together as long time friends (those would be the Junior/Seniors)
It's not that they won't be your friends, but, are catching up on already established friendships that only meet Face to Face this one time of the year and value that time...
just pondering....
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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by artturner » Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:37 am

Wow, each and every one of you...thank you so much!

This gives me a better perspective of the rally, and one that I'm a lot more comfortable with. Friendly and helpful I can do, it's self-promotion I don't really care for.

I'll continue reading through your responses (and any that follow) and keep reminding myself it's not how many cards and CDs, but how many new friends and acquaintances I make.

Thank you again!

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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by edmondredd » Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:36 am

That's one interesting thread here.. and all the answers are gold.
This is my first year, but unfortunately I won't be able to attend the rally this year.. paperwork (visas and such), airline tickets and flight time (18 hours of flight).. I should probably aim for the 2017 rally from now
Can't believe I'll be missing out this ton of overwhelming info, crowd and learning material..
bookmarking this thread for -hopefully- future reference :)
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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by LorraineScott » Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:50 pm

Hi Art and all the excellent suggestions to Art's question.
I too, am attending my first rally and I too, am an introvert to some degree.
I appreciated the suggestions given, and wonder - for those people who attended two or more rally's - what you do at the rally.
So Art, we'll get overwhelmed by the amount of information, I'll get overwhelmed from the knowledge, talent and skill of those around me, and also of talking to so many friends I haven't met yet.
So Art, I'm saying, thanks for asking the question:-)
See you at the Rally. I'll be the woman in the corner with the wide eyes and vacant stare because my head and mind have information overload. We can chat. :D about FORM.
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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by artturner » Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:25 am

Hi Lorraine, sounds like a plan, maybe we can start an introverts' support group!

See ya soon,

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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by funsongs » Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:31 am

A good ice-breaker you could try...
"Hi... my name's Art... may I buy you a beer?" :? :shock:
Then listen and imagine the possibilities... :P
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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by Kolstad » Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:47 pm

Professional networking is a lot about sharing and giving. It's mixing the personal and business.
"Selling" is not good practice in a network situation, but content marketing can be.

Currencies can be information, services, access and knowledge.
It's a gift economy where you give and share things like attention, links, pictures, recommendations ect.
The principle of giving creates a reciprocity, but not always exactly from the person you are giving to. The universe works in mysterious ways ;)

Methods are caring, commitment and questions. So, bring lots of that :D

It's about tuning in to people, try to sync and resonate, getting aquainted and comfortable.
Just like you would with personal friends, despite that you don't know people.

It can definitely feel awkward and difficult, but you can prepare questions, if you are not an intuitive talker.

An example: If you are just hanging in a bar, minding your own business, you are acting personal.
If you go to the same bar, trying to enter conversations, presenting yourself, giving and sharing stuff, and pose questions to allow others to join in - then you are networking.

If you are a bit introvert, networking can drain you, so then don't try to do it all the time, but try short passes of active involvement.
If you hit it off with some, it can become too personal too fast, if you just stay there all the time. Then still keep up the professional involvement and try to diversify, without loosing your new buds. Sometimes being in the middle of a group can prevent others from approaching you. It's human nature to seek out group membership, but not always networking ;)
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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by jadams » Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:28 pm


I feel the same way as you so just know you're not the only one. I'm 100% sure my deficiencies in networking have held my music back more than the music itself.

I really want to thank everyone here that has weighed in with helpful advice.

Hope to see you all at the rally.


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Re: Please help me learn how to network before November

Post by ckbarlow » Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:31 am

Art -

Everything folks have said is right on. And if you’re the type who appreciates book learnin’, I can highly recommend Dan Kimpel’s Networking Strategies for the New Music Business.

I can also summarize what I got from it (YMMV), which I found super-reassuring: Be thoughtful, be kind, listen more than you speak, and above all, remove any kind of “goal” from the conversation other than getting to know another human being. Once you’ve absorbed that, you realize that it’s just a friendly conversation in which you’re being your most considerate and open self — and then the pressure vanishes, right?

Pretty much everybody can benefit from that.

Looking forward to meeting you!


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