Disagree on Critique of Industrial Cue

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Disagree on Critique of Industrial Cue

Post by MrKaplan » Fri Dec 02, 2016 4:43 pm

Hi Everyone,

I am not usually one to disagree with a critique, as I like to learn from them, but in this case I feel my song was critiqued by someone who isn't familiar with the Industrial Music Genre. The song I submitted was for an industrial music cue listing. Those do not come up very often so I thought I would try it out. I grew up with Ministry, Skinny Puppy, NIN, Nitzerebb, Front 242, The Revolting Cocks, etc. I feel I know what Industrial Music sounds like. Here is the link to the song:


The critique I received on this song was as follows:

Name Jason McClary Listing # S161127IC
Title: Death Chase

Track has kind of 80's type electronic feel to it, that dynamically, stays in a similar sounding range throughout the cue.
Status: Forward Return


Style not consistent enough from song to song for an artist pitch

Track has a decidedly 80's feel to it, in a repetitive, dynamically static type mode.
Overall Comments

Style wise, I could hear this track with vocals on it in more of an 80's mode, than something that could be used in a contemporary setting. Further, dynamically and rhythmically, it stayed virtually the same throughout the piece, which also gave it more of a repetitive type feel. For this kind of genre, cues can never be dark or gritty enough, as well has having some sort of dynamic and sectional contrast within the cue to gain and keep listener's interest.

Drums/percussion sound stiff and/or mechanical
Instrumentation sounds too synthetic (see below)

Electronic synth elements could stand to be updated to reflect a more contemporary compositional format.
The main reason(s) you were or were not forwarded for this listing is:
Track was not close enough style wise for this particular listing.

Industrial music is supposed to be repetitive, and synthetic sounding. I made this recording purposely lo-fi as most industrial music is. I would appreciate any feedback on this track if possible. If I am wrong and it's not Industrial sounding then I apologize, however, I think I am right on target with this one.



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Re: Disagree on Critique of Industrial Cue

Post by Casey H » Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:08 pm

I don't know much about the industrial genre. Can you post the entire listing text so we have a frame of reference?

It did sound very repetitive, lacking sectional contrast, as the screener said. But since I don't know the genre, the listing would help especially if there were a la references in it. It also tells us the "bar" and more about what they were looking for.

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Re: Disagree on Critique of Industrial Cue

Post by MrKaplan » Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:13 pm

I guess that might help! :)

Thanks for taking the time to listen, I appreciate it.



INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a Los Angeles-based Music Library that's constantly pitching and getting cool placements in TV Shows, Films, and Commercials. They're searching for Cues in All Tempos that could be found on the same playlist as acts like, (but not limited to), Throbbing Gristle, Test Dept, Einsturzende Neubauten, etc., etc., etc. Please listen to the references to understand this genre better, and get in the general wheelhouse (or in this case, warehouse) of what they need: "Womb of Corruption" by Throbbing Gristle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akCtrv9j1cc "One The Red Dust Passes..." by Test Dept & Katie Jane Garside https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9FbSAwpLAo "Perpetuum Mobile" by Einsturzende Neubauten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxdLhwI_vd0 Please submit Instrumental Cues with a mechanical, dissonant and industrial vibe. When creating your Cue, using machine-like sounds will most definitely work to your advantage! Try layering different electronic elements to create dynamics and contrast within your Cue, and don't be afraid to experiment with samples you've created by doing remote recordings of factories, garbage trucks, train wheels grinding to a halt, etc. Listen to the examples all the way through and take note that they sometimes drift in and out of sounding like a song one minute, and an industrial accident the next. Some Industrial music is more musical than others -- and we're guessing here, but we suspect that if your Cues lean toward the more musical side of things, you'll get more interest than just compiling a bunch of sounds into an experimental montage. Uses for this type of Cue could be a scene during which somebody is having an intense dream or flashback, chaotic scenes often use Industrial Cues to amp up the chaos! All submissions should be about 2 minutes long, give or take. Do NOT copy or rip off the referenced music in any way, shape, or form. Use them only as a guide for texture, tone, and overall vibe. Broadcast Quality is needed (Great sounding home recordings are fine). This Company offers an EXCLUSIVE agreement with a 50/50 split. The specific terms of this agreement will be determined directly between you and the Library. Because this is an Exclusive deal, please do NOT submit music for this pitch that is already signed to any other Libraries or Publishers. You must own or control your Copyright and Master recording. Please submit one to three Instrumental Cues online or per CD. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than 11:59PM (PST), on Sunday, November 27, 2016 TAXI #S161127IC

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Re: Disagree on Critique of Industrial Cue

Post by Casey H » Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:24 pm

Take a good listen to the 3 reference tracks in the listing and your track. Yours isn't at all similar to the references and definitely sounds like 80's synth pop. The listing used specific phases including "create dynamics and contrast within your Cue" and " Listen to the examples all the way through and take note that they sometimes drift in and out of sounding like a song one minute, and an industrial accident the next".

They key is reading a listing VERY thoroughly and carefully and studying the "a la" references. Honestly, without even being knowledgeable in the genre, I can tell you your submission is way off target.

:D Casey

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Re: Disagree on Critique of Industrial Cue

Post by MrKaplan » Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:30 pm

Thanks Casey, I appreciate the feedback. I will listen to the references much closer next time. Have a good weekend.


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