Getting by with a little help from Taxi (and my Friends)

Did you get a deal through TAXI? Lets hear about it!

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Getting by with a little help from Taxi (and my Friends)

Post by nicotina » Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:11 pm

Since Michael Laskow asked me "Vince, where have you been?" tonight on TaxiTV, I figure that I've been neglecting the Taxi community lately. So here is an update:

Two years ago I went to the Road Rally with the intention of meeting some collaborators, and that's what I did. I made a bunch of connections that grew into partnerships. I now have about 40 tunes in 4 different libraries, and I have a steady stream of projects to work on that are coming to me from those libraries or people I have met through Taxi connections. I should mention that although only one of the libraries found me through a Taxi forward, every one of the others (and all of my partnerships) have come from the Taxi Road Rally. So getting forwarded is not the only way to build your career at Taxi. Pay attention to the PEOPLE you meet.

SO... I have less time for working on submissions to Taxi listings. However, I still sometimes do submit to those listings because they are really interesting challenges. I loved doing the "minimalistic ethnic traditional tunes" for Taxi Dispatch. I got 7 tunes forwarded, and still have hopes that I might score on that one. Taxi seems to be the place where I can make these personal connections with like-minded musicians , and also get a chance to find new libraries outside my network.

One more thing: you can also get better by NOT getting forwarded. Rejection taught me my strengths and weaknesses. I learned that while I can get a forward writing dramedy or EDM, my work in those areas is pedestrian, and is unlikely to stand out from the crowd. Most of my library placements have been jazz or ethnic traditional. Taxi taught me to concentrate in those areas where I can really shine, and to let go of my fantasy that I can do everything well.

So although I'm logging less hours on Taxi stuff, I remain very grateful, and I will endeavor to spend a bit more time in the Forum and watching TaxiTV in the months to come.
And I'll be at the Virtual Rally this year, for sure! I'm still on board the Taxi (hope the meter isn't running...)

All the Best,


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Re: Getting by with a little help from Taxi (and my Friends)

Post by Casey H » Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:37 pm

So glad you post this as it's something I've talked about for a long time. Congrats on your successes! 8-) Like you, I've met almost all my collaborators and WFH peeps through the forum and the rally.

My advice to those who need to up their game or find people who do what they can't do... There are so many amazing people in this Taxi community. Reach out! Get to know folks! Come to the next live rally and network with other songwriters and artists. 8-) Pay attention to who does what here on this forum. :D

:D Casey

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Re: Getting by with a little help from Taxi (and my Friends)

Post by superkons » Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:23 am

It has been a while for certain, Vince, great to see you have been a busy bee!

It was an absolute pleasure meeting you at the Rally 2 years ago, and I have totally loved and enjoyed collaborating with you, I am certain one day we will hit the target :)

I can only agree with what you say, it is a very logical analysis. Keep up the excellent work!
Marco - Pianist, keyboardist, composer for film/TV/games/media

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