My Taxi journey so far (6 years in)

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My Taxi journey so far (6 years in)

Post by nicotina » Wed Jan 18, 2023 4:41 pm

I'm starting my 7th year with Taxi, and 

it seems like a good time to reflect on my journey. I started Taxi in late December 2015, so we’ll call it about 6 years of writing music. Looking through my forward/return history, I count 165 returns, and 75 forwards, so about 45% success rate overall. My success rate certainly went up over time, although I still get some returns even now!

Part of the reason my forward rate went up was that I got better, of course. But I also got better at choosing what listings to submit to, and which ones to ignore.

 How many of my 9 library contracts came directly from Taxi forwards? Three. However, ALL of my other deals came from networking with Taxi members that I met at Taxi RoadRally. So although I had to put in the work, Taxi was really the primary vehicle (ha, see what I did, there? Taxi, vehicle?)

I have over 100 tunes in libraries, and have 15 tv placements that I know about for sure. I think I probably have dozens more that I don’t know about yet. I have one $1k sync fee which is my biggest pay-out to date. So far, very little money has actually gotten to me. It takes a long time, especially since most of my placements are over in Europe. 

Here are a few observations that might be illuminating to those of you that are new to this industry:

-only 3 of those libraries have brought me any placements so far. So some libraries get more placements than others.

-most placements are short (less then 30 sec), but I have some 2 min placements (jazz instrumentals)

-although I experimented with writing modern rock, dance pop, indie pop, vocal R & B, almost all of my success has been with genres related to Jazz: cocktail jazz, jazz hip-hop, New Orleans Jazz, etc. So trying to be "current" did not work out for me. Now I try to stick to the things that I can do well, and make that my "brand".

-almost all the tunes Taxi forwarded have now been placed in libraries. So even though I didn’t hear back from most of the Forwards, I got those tunes in somewhere else by networking. Getting the Forward gave me confidence that these tunes were ready to place, and they were ready!

-my networking is mostly via collaboration. I write with others (at least 20 people so far), and they help me make better music.

 I try to write with people that I think are better then me, and they pull me up closer to their level

Am I a success? If it’s based on my bank account, not yet! However, I have definitely gotten better at the game, and my music is being played on TV on a regular basis now. Since most of my tunes have been placed in the last 2 years, it will take at least a year or two before we know how successful they will be. And of course, I have tons more tunes that are now in the process of being written and released, and all are going straight into my best libraries, so now my pace is accelerating .

Also, It's important to remember that I didn't get into music to make money. I got into music because I love music. I wanted to write music like my childhood idols such as the Beatles and Stevie Wonder because I thought what they did was so amazing and beautiful. It was never about money for me. So maybe I am a success already, by my own standards, at least.

Thanks again to the Taxi community, and the many kind people that have shared some wisdom with me along the way.



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Re: My Taxi journey so far (6 years in)

Post by superkons » Thu Jan 19, 2023 7:25 am

A very refreshing read, Vince, it is lovely to see how much you have progressed over the years.
I have known you for a while, now, and I pride myself of having had chances to work with you, but most importantly to be able to call you a friend.
I think we have been able to work well together because we share the same sentiment about making music (although a bit of money coming out of that certainly does not hurt :) )
Keep up the good work!
Marco - Pianist, keyboardist, composer for film/TV/games/media

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Re: My Taxi journey so far (6 years in)

Post by cosmicdolphin » Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:26 pm

Hey Vince

I found this really interesting as we started with in a couple of months of each other and it's rare I see reports from anyone that carried on as long as I have apart from the superstars featured by Taxi that have done amazing stuff.

( if interested my own update for the end of last year is here seven-year-update-t150215.html )

Wow - A $1k sync fee ! I've only had $300 , everything else is backend - I think it shows how many different paths there are, mine has not been espeically lucrative for the hours I've put in but it is starting to gather momentum...I've had more placemnts this month than my first 3yrs put together for example.

Your forward rate is a little higher than mine was but I think I've made more music ( approaching 600 tracks now ) but I maybe write in some genres that are quicker to produce than a jaz cue.....and like you I got into a few LIbraries via Taxi, a few via direct contact and several via collabs etc with other Taxi members. The good news is that jazz will probably be evergreen unlike some of my EDM ( Dubstep - Future Bass....) :shock:

Unlike you I did get into it to make some money ( not aiming to do it full time though ) so I keep chipping away in the hope of building a sustainable passive income over many years which may or may not allow me to retire earlier or it may just end up being a nice side income in my dotage.

Whatever it ends up being it's as much about the jouney and the freinds ( and enemies ;) ) made along the way. Congrats on staying the course and good luck going forwards.


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Re: My Taxi journey so far (6 years in)

Post by jesseh » Fri Jan 20, 2023 11:20 am

Thank you for sharing your experience. I have been lurking on Taxi 4 or 5 years while I have been working on a composition degree. I recently graduated and have just started composing in earnest to Taxi listings. I did submit three pieces during summer break a got one forward so that is encouraging but it helps me to read actual experiences to keep realistic about my journey; staying focused on creating music. I wish you continued success and maybe we'll run into each other at the next rally!
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Re: My Taxi journey so far (6 years in)

Post by LamarPecorino » Sat Jan 21, 2023 4:00 pm

Vince, thank you for sharing your Taxi journey. It was helpful to read about your progress. Much success in year 7!
Onward and upward!

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Re: My Taxi journey so far (6 years in)

Post by JohnnyP » Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:30 am

Great report Vince! And especially nice to see you getting that sync fee!
I’m kind of like you in that I write because I love writing/playing/saying something new and different. It’s a huge part of who I am.
Congrats and cheers to a great 2023!

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Re: My Taxi journey so far (6 years in)

Post by RobertElse » Mon Jan 30, 2023 3:01 pm

Vince - Thanks so much for posting this great read, and congratulations on your success as defined in your own terms, which I admire. Your story of how many tracks came from forwards versus networking, and where placements came from, was really interesting. It inspired me to back to my own records and make some similar notes. Also the bit about choosing which listings to write to. I'm sure we passed shoulder-to-shoulder in some line, session, or meal at the last Rally, but I don't know you - would love to meet and chat at the next Rally.

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Re: My Taxi journey so far (6 years in)

Post by Merryband1 » Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:59 pm

Congratulations, Vince! That's really inspiring!

Marion/Merry/Merryband :)

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