The only interesting Taxi listings lately have been for Dispatch

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Re: The only interesting Taxi listings lately have been for Dispatch

Post by Telefunkin » Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:32 am

I don't disagree with some of your points and I've had my own gripes about Dispatch too, but here's some things you might consider...
- Listings that are interesting to you might be totally uninteresting to others (and v.v), so its tough for Taxi to keep everybody happy all of the time.
- Taxi doesn't know what you or anyone else finds interesting, and it would make no difference anyway as they have no control or influence over the type of listings they get.
- What libraries want is largely guided by what TV shows are asking for, not by the interests of the libraries or composers (although they could be renewing their back-catalogue).
- As Taxi deals with a broad spectrum of libraries, to some extent the listings reflect general trends.
- Even if you get briefs directly from libraries (as opposed to Taxi listings) its still the same - some things are interesting, some are not.
- Remember that the cost for Dispatch diminishes through your membership year because you only pay pro-rata for what's left of each year. Therefore, you could wait until an interesting Dispatch listing comes up and then pay a reduced fee and slam in those submissions.

As Paulie said though, if you use the time wisely between 'interesting' listings you can be ready for when the right one (for you) comes along, and also have more material to pitch either though Taxi or directly.
Graham (UK). Still composing a little faster than decomposing, and 100% HI.

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