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Post by rrheinsmith » Thu Dec 21, 2023 1:05 pm

To whomever is providing assistance,

I'm a newbie and I just uploaded a number of songs.

1) I put down singer songwriter for all of them as I have no idea what genre they really fit in. I feel most a folk or Indie but, can someone or several someones listen and provide an assessment of what genre each song is. This will help when submitting against opportunities as a wrong submission makes people mad as I understand it.

2) How do I get to listen to and favorite everyone else's music? I really enjoyed Monday evening and heard great stuff so how do I listen to everything that is on our site?

3) How do I reach out to a specific person whom I saw in the Monday evening session? Is it using a keyword if I know there last name? If not how do I reach out.

I know these seem like simple things but I am not finding the answers on the site. Maybe I'm just not intuitive enough being new to this site.

Thanks in advance for assistance and I look forward to the responses. I think I can be located using https://www.taxi.com/members/6tEUZBqqQW ... ryan-smith



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Post by cosmicdolphin » Thu Dec 21, 2023 1:56 pm

Hey Rick

Listened to the first few and skipped around the rest. I wouldn't call any of them singer-songwriter. For me they run between Folk / MOR / Country / AOR ...that type of thing. The best thing to do is to educate yourself by going to some of the big library companies and listen to what they have in the genres you prefer to write in.

The mistake a lot folks make is to join Taxi and try to submit a whole bunch of tracks they wrote before they joined which often leads to lots of returns because they don't know how to write specifically for Sync. One of the issues in your songs for example is you seem to tell the story and use names/places etc. which is a no-no for sync where the music is there to support the story being told on screen. The chances of some of your very specific lyrics lining up with what's on screen are slim to zero. By far the best thing is to put the old songs aside and write new material specifically for the listings, then you'll have a much greater chance of being forwarded.

A few other things I noticed :

Having listened to hundreds if not thousands of sync songs I'm afraid I don't think your voice will cut it for anything contemporary which is probably 90%+ of this market. Older voices can work well in certain genres like rootsy , bluesy rough around the edges kinda material where you want the singer to sound like they've been around the block a few times, but I think for most opportunities you're going to have to find a different singer.

The good news is there are tons of opportunities for instrumental music so not being blessed with the right kind of voice ( like myself ) is not a barrier to entry. Or ther eare singers willing to work for a 50-50 split that you can find possibly via the forums ( be sure they understand Sync otherwise it can be a real PITA ) Mix wise I found the songs weren't really up to " broadcast quality" so work needs to be done there as well.

I thought the two instrumental tracks sounded a lot more like something I would expect to hear on TV, so if you like making instrumentals that's definintely something you can persue.


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